Play Defense in Soccer
Are you being scored on too often when defending in soccer? Well, here are some steps on how to play and improve your 1 on 1 defense against an opponent.
- Move with the ball. You may think that you should watch the ball when your player you are defending doesn't have the ball. Don't do that. A part about defense is watching the forwards on the other team, for clues of where the ball is. You can't have anyone get the open slip on you. Once the ball's behind you, it's gone. Always keep your eyes on those forwards.
- Communicate With Your Soccer Teammates on the Field You need to talk as a team to know who is marking who and know what to do. Communication is especially important if you have a main defensive role, like centre back or goalkeeper. If there is a new guy, talk to get him up to what is happening; don't let the other team have an advantage over your new guy.
- Stay in front of your opponent. Try to stay in the carrier's space.
- Move the line. If the ball is on their side move up to half to draw them offsides. But don't go past half as you'll be offsides. Again, communication and practice are vital to be able to play a high line. If you attempt to play a high line and you haven't practiced it, it will probably end in being out of position.
- When attempting to do sliding tackles, proceed with caution; if you miss, you will leave your defense open. In addition, it is very common for a slide tackle to get someone a yellow card.
- When coming to your opponent make sure that you are ready to stop the ball from any direction. For example: You are in front of your opponent - he sends the ball left, intercept it by being in your ready-stance, keeping your arms extended to the sides for balance.
- Expect a pass. One may go between your legs or over your head, so make sure you are not tensed up. Be loose and alive, to match the opponent's moves in any direction. A way to eliminate the pass when the opponent stops to pass -- between your legs or over your head -- is by keeping your legs staggered (feet not side by side), and in an athletic stance with your knees bent a little, ready to spring.
- Practice changing direction. Be ready to send the second foot. For example: You are in front of an opponent, and you think he is going to pass left, however when he moved you took your left foot to the left but he passed right; you must be ready to launch toward the right.
- When passed by an opponent with the ball always continue defending, because your laying back can lead to a goal being scored.
- Be fast. If someone tries to pass to your opponent, get to the ball first and look for passes that you can intercept.
- Prevent goal access:
- If your opponent receives the ball, stay in front of him as he turns his body toward the goal.
- Block. If the opponent has the ball and is facing the goal, don't give him or her room to shoot. Stay within a couple feet. If he or she shoots, be prepared to dive in and block it, whether it be with foot or your body.
- If your opponent moves, move with him or her. Stay on your toes. If you must give your opponent room, "herd" him or her towards the sideline or onto his weaker foot (the one that is already extended).
- Don't let your opponent get past you. Stay on your toes, and be ready to sprint at any time by staying in an athletic stance.
- Defend instead of reaching in. So, usually, don't stab or swipe at the ball. You will be off balance, out of position. Your opponent can dribble right past you if you are lurching forward. Just stay close and on guard.
- Use your team support. If you have a teammate behind you (supporting you), you can look to try to take the ball from your opponent. If not, don't try.
- Guessing your opponent's next move is useful, but what's better is to know the various moves available for your opponent and be ready to respond to prevent him/her from using any of those.
- Be aggressive and intimidating legally. Make your opponent think only about you, not what else is going on around the field.
- Watch your opponent. When you are on the sidelines, study his or her 1-on-1 moves and habits.
- Contain as best as you can. If there aren't a lot of defenders in your half of the field, contain your opponent, slowing him or her down and making time for help to arrive. If there are plenty of defenders/support in your half of the field, you can be a little more assertive.
- Know the speed and abilities of the opposing players. Know how they compare to yours, and take risks accordingly.
- Occasionally glance instantly around. Be aware of other players in your field of view. Try to anticipate where your opponent would like to pass, if he can.
- Use deception. Deception is as powerful as speed. If your opponent thinks you're passive, you can surprise him or her by acting instantly, not showing your trickiness all the time.
- Watch how the ball is being carried. Instead of watching your opponent's feet watch the ball.
- Stay between your player and the goal. To defend your goal, stay ahead of the opponent.
- Wait until the player makes a mistake. If he gets overextended or off balance, then attack.
- If your player gets by you and is one on one with the goalie, stay in close pursuit trying to get in front and in case they make a mistake, just being there will put pressure on them. Think before fouling them. Understand that if you do take down your opponent, most of the time this will result in a yellow card. With a few tackles (mainly the ones that deny the other player a chance to score), you will be ejected from the game with a red card. Red cards tend to include multiple-game suspensions in many leagues, so before you foul the player from behind, remember what the consequences are! In addition, taking down and potentially injuring a player who has beaten you fairly is not good for your team, as you may be suspended for one or more games.
- Always think one move ahead. To be ready to go where the action will probably need to go. They will be trying to get the ball to a better position to a more open area, away from the sideline, away from the crowded area and such.
- Don't stop running! If you see your goalie charging in, run ahead and cover the goal.
- Keep your eyes on your man and on the people in your view to get an idea of what is happening behind you. The opponent can do tricks to keep your mind off the ball and will score a goal.
- Don't keep your legs too far apart. A skilled player will easily put the ball between your legs.
- Try changing defense into attack quickly, to initiate a counter attack but only when you have support behind you. This is especially good for 4-3-3 formations.
- When you cover someone who is free, try to stop them from receiving the ball.
- Block the forwards with the side of your body. You may lean into the player and apply pressure, but don't shove with your hands or you would risk a foul - possibly a penalty kick!
- Stay low, knees bent, so you can be as agile as possible when against an opposing player.
- Be aggressive. When you slide in for a tackle, do it like you mean it. Don't back down.
- One on one: Angle toward the opponent, one way or the other as you defend. You'll be left flatfooted if you are facing up straightforward.
- Don't try to take all of the strikers out by yourself. Work with your team. If you see a teammate defending alone, help out.
- It is always important to stay loose and stand on the balls of your feet so you can maintain a good athletic stance that allows you to shift easily and be ready to run in any direction.
- You don't have to take the ball away from your opponent; just stay in front of your opponent so that he or she can't shoot. When he or she makes a mistake, that is when you take the ball.
- If you end up in a situation where you try to cut the offender off, be cutting him off on the goal side so they don't have a chance to kick it in that direction.
- When you take the ball from your opponent, don't just kick the ball away but plan your next move.
- When a midfielder is running toward you, don't back up, run with them.
- Like the typical soccer rule, never use your hands to handle the ball.
- Never turn the ball carrier into the middle; always go to the outside to clear it. When blocking forwards, you can try to force them towards the sidelines as opposed to letting the opponent cross the field and goal posts.
- Remember to delay the offender if you have no support.
- Sliding tackles can look awesome and will work in a lot of cases, but they are the most dangerous thing to do. In a lot of youth leagues, a mistimed slide tackling will result in an immediate foul. A sliding tackle with the studs showing is illegal in most leagues. It is therefore important to come around from the side attacking the ball with the top of the foot when doing a sliding tackle.
- Don't take a long time deciding where the ball will be going.
- Be very careful if you do get the ball; you don't want to dribble the ball too hard or perform too many touches.
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