Improve Your Game in Soccer
So, you're playing soccer and this annoying friend of yours comes up to you and starts bragging. You want to improve. Do you want to know how? Then here are some tips that will improve your game skills. Put these tips into practice and your game level will substantially increase soon.
- Remember that soccer is a Encourage Your Child to Participate in Team Sports Always play with that in mind. Never play for your own glory, but for the whole team's sake. It's better to sacrifice some personal recognition and make sacrifices for the team.
- Try to move the ball more than yourself. It is an energy-saving strategy. If you run all the time everywhere on the field, you will be tired within the first 10 minutes. Remember that the ball will always move faster than you. So its better to move it around fast than move yourself with it. Save your energy for when you really need to run.
- Anticipate. This is a good one whether you are defending or creating game. Anticipate while the ball is moving towards you. The best thing to do is know what to do with the ball the moment it gets to you. Anticipation when you are defending is equally important. If you can foresee your opponent's next move, it will increase your chances of stopping his/her move. Velocity is crucial in this game.
- Press. Don't let your opponent receive the ball so neatly. Make him/her receive the ball facing backwards. Put pressure on him/her and force him/her to make mistakes. Be careful, however, of committing a foul or injuring your opponent
- Use the element of surprise. Don't make your next move too obvious. Put the ball at the back of the last defending line while a teammate runs to receive your assistance. Change the rhythm of your run, quick at first and when your opponent is coming at you, step on the brakes. He/she will also stop, then increase the pace again, leaving them anchored. When dribbling with the ball, don't be predictable. If you just used a move on a defender, that defender will be more prepared when you do that move again, so mix it up a little bit.
- Use the sides of the field. If there are too many people in the center, it will be difficult to create game in that area, so use wing-men on your team to exploit the sides. Penetrate those areas and then send the ball to the center for a teammate to finish the play. Hint- be careful not to knock the ball out of bounds of the field when you do this.
- Triangulate. Association is the best way to break tight defenses. Use your surrounding teammates to pass the ball to each other quickly, creating confusion in your opponent.
- Remain focused. Don't forget that the game hasn't finished until the referee says so. So don't lose yourself only because you are winning or because there is little time left. A goal in the last minute can make you lose a game or even a championship.
- Show your combative spirit. If the coach sees the devotion you put in the game, your chances of being on the main team will increase. Don't ever give up, go up and down, help your teammates, defend and attack, let your attitude be an inspiration for your team.
- Develop your sense of orientation. Having good orientation and a complete view of the game is difficult when you are in there on the field. Knowing where your teammates and your opponents are gives you a better perspective and helps you to better plan your next move.
- Communicate with your teammates. Giving them a "6th sense" to what is going on around them not only helps them, but keeps you focused and engaged in the game even when you're not directly involved in the play.
- Practice. Spend about an hour everyday just as solitary practice or with a friend or coach working on the things you need to improve on. (One thing to practice is keeping the ball low. Practice just tapping the ball in low, then getting gradually more powerfully.
- Spread out. A mistake that most teams and most players have is all the players flocking near the ball. If an opponent has the ball, one person is enough. If a fellow teammate has the ball give them some space. But remember to have a player a bit behind whoever has or whoever is trying to steal the ball.
- Have fun. This is the most important tip in this article, so pay attention. If you're not having fun while playing this game, then why are you still playing?
- If you're going against the best defender or best attacker there is two ways in which you can beat them.
- First, barge him of the ball as hard as you can. This may seem unprofessional but keep in mind that shoulder barging is a part of the game and those who use it seem to do well enough.
- Second is the tactical approach. This includes passing, dribbling and containing; passing is almost always the easiest and its so simple just pass around him, dribbling is slightly hard because it isn't always effective and you may not be the best at it and finally containing, this is basically holding a line and containing someone out an area be it the box or even half the pitch, don't do this solo unless you're not playing an actual match.
- Practice a simple dribbling routine every day. Just dribble down the street, dribble back. Right Foot, then Left Foot. It's that simple. If you can, try to dribble a ball around your house, that way you will always have contact with the ball where ever you go.
- Little tricks can be helpful. Try doing stopovers to fool your opponent. Don't forget to practice regularly.
- Do different drills every day. For example, the first day, you juggle with a partner, the next day you practice shooting, the next day you practice heading, etc.
- Don't be afraid to get physical on the field. Being physical is not dirty, it's part of the game.
- Passing is always better than taking it yourself. If you have an open man, try to set up a play with them.
- Always look up when you have to pass, as you don't want your pass to be blocked by the opposing team.
- When trying to get power on a shot, strike the ball with your foot, then let your other foot come up off the ground so it's like you hop after you strike the ball.
- When you strike the ball on a penalty kick or any other shot, keep the ball low by hitting it hard on the top half of the ball. Wind up by placing your other foot equal or in front of the ball. Then hit it with your laces going straight on, not from the side.
- Let your coach see how invested you are, and that you really care about the game. Make him or her want to help you.
- If you have a bad weak foot, practice long passes with it; not being able to pass or shoot with your weak foot can destroy many opportunities and sometimes lose the game.
- Try kicking the ball just slightly to the side when someone is trying to get it from you, then quickly kick it to the other side, then you will be in front of them and can score!
- When shooting a corner try to |bend. Bending typically is a better style of corner kicks, as the ball curves and it gets easier to target a teammate.
- To prevent kicking the ball too high or over the goal, have your body over the ball and kick with the laces of your shoe. Never kick using your toe.
- Getting fit and eating healthy, while also staying hydrated, can improve your game significantly.
- When passing, remember to use names and make eye contact (if eye contact is possible). This way your teammates will know who the pass is for, and be more alert.
- Practice as much as you want. There are no limits, and you will learn faster. Practice makes perfection. No professional football/soccer player was great from the start. Everybody has to take their time, so don't waste it on sitting. Better get moving!
- Be alert when training. One of the best soccer drills involves you being alert as you train individually. The reason is that, while out in the field, you will be facing competitors who will attempt to steal the ball from you. Avoid thinking about past mistakes or the future. Soccer involves responding quickly to tackles and shots. You need to ensure that you stay in the present while training; this will help you in the field.
- Confidence is key. Avoid light training and play aggressively. You need to have confidence while on the field. When it comes to passing and running after the ball, confidence will help keep you motivated. It also shows your competitors that you are familiar with the game. Your teammates will feel compelled give you the ball more often.
- Take risks. This is one of the best things you can practice while training. It ensures you don’t get demoralized if you lose a goal. Retain your winning mentality by playing without fear.
- Use strong, communicative body language. Keep this in mind when passing the ball to your teammates.
- It's not all about winning. Be a good sport and respect the other team if your team loses.
- Don't get dehydrated. If you're thirsty, you're already dehydrated. Always bring plenty of water to drink.
- If you do happen to pick up an injury, don't hurt yourself any more than you already are. Just take it easy.
- Start out with a slow routine. Don't hurt yourself because you thought that an hour and a half hard workout would help you on the first day.
Things You'll Need
- Cleats (be careful and get a VERY good pair, they have different cleats for different positions. Also, if they don't fit perfectly and have very soft flexible leather, expect foot pain and bad blisters.)
- Cones (for practice)
- Shin guards
- Goal
- Goalie gloves (if you are the goalie)
- Soccer ball
- Soccer socks (long)
- A good water bottle
- Soccer shorts
- if you're goalie it may also help to have knee pads
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