Play First Base in Slow Pitch Softball
Curious about how to play first base? Want some tips to put you ahead of the average ballplayer at that position? Check this out.
- First base is different from the other infield positions in several ways. The largest difference is that you're involved in nearly every ball hit to an infielder. You're required to catch balls that may or may not be thrown accurately and you're expected to make difficult "scoops" look routine. You'll do less throwing than the other infielders but when you do throw, it won't usually be an easy play and will need to be accurate.
- Start by positioning yourself correctly. Remember that if a ground ball is hit to the second baseman, third baseman, pitcher or shortstop, they're going to be throwing it to you very soon. As soon as a ground ball is hit to someone other than you, sprint to first base and position yourself with your foot opposite your glove hand (i.e., right foot if you catch with left hand and are thus "right-handed" and the other way around for lefties) against the edge of the base. Do not put your foot on top of the base or you'll end up with a broken ankle when the runner spikes you.
- When awaiting the pitch from your pitcher, play a little deeper than the base if it's a right-handed hitter and a few steps further back for a left-handed hitter. Remember not to stray too far from the base, though, since you'll need to be able to get there quickly. If you're left-handed, play a bit closer to the foul line since anything hit down the line will be a "backhand" play for you. Conversely, if you're right-handed, you can play "off the line" a bit more since balls hit down the line will be easier for you to snag since your glove hand will be nearer to them.
- When awaiting the throw from one of your infielders, as mentioned, get to the base quickly and make sure you've located the base and put your foot on it. This will entail taking your eyes off the play to find the base (you don't want to be feeling around for it with your foot). Once you're in position to catch the ball, bring your glove up and open it as wide as your hand will allow, giving your fielder a big target and confidence that you'll be catching the ball. Reach toward the fielder so that the ball is in your glove as soon as possible in case there's a close play at first.
- If a fielder throws one that's clearly going to bounce before it gets to you, position yourself low (keeping your foot on the base) almost like a catcher, ensuring that you will block the ball and maybe even catch it in your gut. Remember, as long as you hold on, it's an out provided you get the ball in your hand or glove before the batter-runner reaches first base (note that trapping the ball against your gut is not yet a catch).
- If a fielder throws wide of you, you'll need to make a split-second judgment call -- if you think you can stretch and reach the throw, then do so, keeping your foot on the base and reaching out, timing your stretch so that if you fall, it is just a second after you'll have caught the ball and recorded the out. If there's no way you'll be able to reach it, leave the base and stop the ball from going past you. While this isn't ideal, obviously, it will keep the runner from moving on to second or third base.
- "Scoops" - Good first basemen make scooping low throws an art. Typically, you'll know when a ball will potentially need to be scooped, especially if you play with the same infielders for a while and get familiar with their throwing habits. If a ball is thrown your way but is low and may or may not bounce just before reaching you, position your glove with your wrist facing up and the glove wide open, with the webbing of your glove touching the dirt. It is instinct to react upwards to protect yourself, but you have to react to reach down to the dirt. Most short-hops will bounce into your glove in this scenario. Scooping the ball is something that comes with practice and a lot of playing first base.
- If a ball is hit on the ground to you and there is no one on base, make catching it your first priority. Yes, you'll then need to beat the runner to first base, but you need to make sure you have the ball first. Once you do, run directly to first base. Only throw to the pitcher if he is covering the base and you don't think you can make it there in time yourself.
- If a ball is hit to you on then ground and there are runners on base, you have to consider a few things: A) if there is a force play at the other bases, you may want to consider throwing there to get multiple outs or to get the "lead runner" out. B) If you simply want to get outs (or if there are two outs already) and not take risks, just get the out at first and then be ready to go after any base runners who are venturing far off of other bases. C) How accurate your arm is.
- TAG & BAG - This play is best used by advanced first basemen. Any time you have less than two outs and a runner on first, play even with the bag in the baseline. If a grounder is hit to you field it while trying to stay in the base path. Then reach out to tag the runner trying to advance to second and then touch first base. Unassisted double play!
- TAG & BAG Triple Play - With a similar scenario as above, except this time you have runners on first and second or the bases are loaded with no outs. Once you have executed the Tag & Bag, you can make an immediate throw to third or home. If you get the ball there before the advancing runner, the fielder will need to make a tag. If practiced and executed you will have yourself a triple play!
- Backing up other positions: As a first baseman, you're involved in nearly all infield plays. However, you're involved in very few outfield plays. If a ball is hit into the outfield and there may be a play at second base, third base or home plate, be ready to back up those bases in case a throw gets loose. This is fundamental baseball/softball.
- If there is a runner on 2nd, and the ball is hit to SS or 3B, expect that runner to take off as soon as the ball leaves the infielders hand. In this case, you may have an opportunity to make an out at 3rd with a nice low tag throw. Keep in mind that if your throw is wild, it will result in a run, (unless you have a very forward thinking left fielder to bail you out).
- If a fielder makes a terrible throw and allows the runner to be safe, immediately tell them not to worry about it. You want your fielders to be confident in their throws at all times. Even work in phrases like "Don't worry about that, I should had it." A good teammate will appreciate this.
- Every time you make a nice scoop or stretch, your infielders will love you more and more. Return the congratulations whenever they make a nice play.
- Talk to the people who reach base. All first basemen do it and it's fun. Once you get used to this, you'll be bored at other positions where there's nobody to talk to. It's also a good way to get to know other players around your league.
- As mentioned earlier, do not cover first base with your foot on top of the actual base or you will definitely get stepped on. Instead, learn how to put your foot on the edge of the base, either flat on the ground or with your spikes on the edge.
- If you don't want to collide with other fielders when catching a pop fly, yell "ball", or "I got it!" and they will let you catch it.
- Do not make the mistake of keeping your foot on the bag when it it obvious that the ball has escaped the infield. If the hitter rounds first and you are on the bag, you are in his way, and may be called for obstruction, (or knocked over). Your best bet is to run about {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} inside the bag, (toward the pitcher) to let them pass. Then sneak in behind them and cover the bag in case the cut off man decides to throw behind the runner and pick him off at 1st.
- Collisions happen at first base more often than people think. A ball thrown high and wide by a fielder may cause you to reach and/or lean into the base path and, thus, into the path of the oncoming runner. If this happens, brace yourself for a collision and do your best to hold onto the ball.
- Remember to stretch before playing first base.
Things You'll Need
- A first baseman's mitt is a recommended tool for any serious first baseman. The first baseman's mitt is larger than any other glove and is only legal to be worn at the positions of first base and catcher, even in recreational slow-pitch softball leagues.
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