Play Go
Go is a game where two players contest for territory; it is perhaps the oldest board game in the world. The rules are simple and you can learn them in minutes. Many enthusiasts regard Go as an art; the game's almost infinite variations have stumped even the most advanced computers. Learning to play is easy, but learning to play well takes time and practice. Read along to familiarize yourself with this ancient, intriguing, and clever game.
The Board & Pieces
- Use a standard 19x19 grid. There are 19 horizontal and vertical lines. You can use a board or make a grid yourself.
- Sometimes smaller boards are used. Often 13x13 or 9x9 boards are used for quicker games or for teaching.
- There should be nine marked points spread out evenly on the board (4rd, 10th, and 16th lines). They are called "star points" and serve as reference points or markers for handicap games.
- Have 361 black and white stones ready. This amount is for a 19x19 game. The number correlates to the amount of intersections on the board. If you are playing on a smaller board, use fewer stones.
- Black plays with 181 stones and white with 180. This is because black makes the first move.
- Keep the stones next to the board, in bowls.
The Rules
- Alternate moves. Traditionally, black starts first.
- Stones can also be placed on the edge, where there is a T-intersection.
- Once a stone is placed, it cannot be moved (unless captured and removed).
- Acquire territory. This can be done in one of two ways:
- Territory is empty intersections that are bordered or surrounded by stones of the same color. Each empty intersection that is completely surrounded is worth one point, or moku. The bigger the territory you surround, the more points you gain.
- Corners can be used as a border as well.
- You will lose a point if you place a stone inside your own territory.
- Territory is empty intersections that are bordered or surrounded by stones of the same color. Each empty intersection that is completely surrounded is worth one point, or moku. The bigger the territory you surround, the more points you gain.
- Employ capturing. Connect your stones together to capture your opponent's pieces.
- Stones of the same color on immediately adjacent points are said to be connected, or joined. The connection can be horizontal or vertical, but not diagonal--the connection is along the lines.
- Fill all the adjacent points around your players pieces to capture them. Once captured, remove them from the board and keep them in a separate pile.
- No empty spaces can be within the border.
- Finish the game when all territory is claimed. Both players pass and the game is over. Count up how many points (or intersections) each color guards.
- Place all captured stones in the opposing players territory. Thus, their score is reduced due to lost intersections.
- Therefore, a captured stone is worth two points. One point negated from your opponent's score and one point for the new empty space surrounded upon removal.
- Capturing is what makes this game a battle of wits. While gaining territory is the main goal, one must think defensively at all times.
- Place all captured stones in the opposing players territory. Thus, their score is reduced due to lost intersections.
- Know your terms. As this is an ancient Chinese game adopted by the Japanese, there are many words to know.
- Liberty - an adjacent intersection
- Atari - a state in which a piece can be captured in the next move
- For example, "Your white stone over there is in Atari! Haha!"
- Eye - a single empty space inside a group
- If there is an eye, capturing is not possible, as not all the empty space is filled
- Suicide - placing a stone where it can be captured
- KO - a situation in which a stone about to make a capture can be immediately recaptured, which would repeat the situation endlessly. Capturing cannot immediately take place after a KO.
Playing a Game
- Find an opponent. Someone who is well-versed in the game will be a better teacher and example.
- You can look for a game either face-to-face or on an online go-server. For face-to-face games, look for a local chapter of the AGA, BGA, or your national Go organization. You will likely find a list of Go clubs on their websites. For online games, some Go servers are listed below.
- Yahoo
- MSN Zone
- Go shrine
- 361points
- Break Base
- Start the game by choosing a color. In a handicap game, the stronger player takes white, and black places 2-9 handicap stones on the star points before white answers.
- For an even game, the colors are determined randomly. Since black has an advantage by playing first, white is compensated by taking komi, an amount of additional points added to white's score at the end of the game.
- The amount of komi varies, but most tournaments use values between 5 and 8 points. Sometimes a fractional value like 6.5 is used to avoid ties.
- Place the first stone. This should be done by the player with black stones. It traditionally goes in the upper right hand quadrant.
- This initial move stakes out which side each player lays claim to.
- Handicap stones are considered the first move in a handicap game.
- Take turns alternating playing stones. Remember, the pieces are placed on the intersections of the grid, not the empty spaces on the board.
- Either player may pass if they see no benefit to making a move. Passing signals a desire to end the game and count the score.
- If both players pass, the game is over.
- Either player may pass if they see no benefit to making a move. Passing signals a desire to end the game and count the score.
- Decide on your strategy. There are generally two options: claiming the most territory or invading your opponent's territory by capturing their pieces (turning them into "prisoners").
- If a player places a stone that removes the last liberty from a connected group of the opponent's stones, then that group is dead and is removed from the board (captured).
- The exception to the above rule is that you cannot capture a single stone that just captured one of your stones without playing elsewhere first. This is called the KO rule ("KO" means "eternity" in Japanese); it is needed to prevent games from never ending.
- End the game when both players pass. Black and white must both decide there is no advantage to laying another stone.
- The player who has captured the most stones and territory wins. Captured pieces should be placed on the board in the opponent's territory, decreasing their score.
- Score the game. You can use either area counting or territory counting. The two methods agree provided both players have made the same number of non-passing moves.
- For area counting, each color scores a point for each living stone of that color and each empty intersection within their territory. White then adds their komi.
- For territory counting, each color fills in their opponent's territory with any prisoners of that color captured earlier in the game. Their score is then only the empty intersections in their territory. White then adds their komi.
- An old proverb, paraphrased, recommends you to "lose your first fifty games as soon as possible." This is good advice, but remember to pay attention to why you are losing (of course), so that when you lose again, you need not lose in the same way.
- Keep your calm, even if your position deteriorates unexpectedly. A close game can avalanche against a player, often not simply because they lost ground locally, but because they let fear overtake them and lost their concentration. Hang in there. If something does go wrong, at least make every effort to contain and minimize the loss. If it comes to it, lose or resign gracefully. The odds of playing a divine move (a single move that can turn a losing game into a winning game) are very slim, especially against experienced players.
- Play demonstration games with stronger players. These are games where the more experienced player will play certain moves so that you recognize the proper responses.
- Read Yahoo's rules, since they go into more detail about the different rules and strategies of the game. However, playing on Yahoo is not recommended, as the server uses the ranking system for Chess rather than the traditional Japanese system that is most widely used.
- Be considerate to the other player, whether in person or on the internet.
- Although the rules of Go are often described as simple and natural, there are several different rule sets. Popular rule sets include Chinese, Japanese, New Zealand, AGA, and ING. Further complicating matters are game servers that claim to use one of the above rule sets, but don't program them correctly. For example, Yahoo is notorious for allowing a player who disputes the scoring to turn the game into no pass Go. Fortunately, the situations where it makes a significant difference almost always occur in artificial situations unlikely to occur (or to be recognized if they do occur) in natural games.
- Online games are often played quickly, so watch your time.
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