Play Hex

Hex is a board game for two players. It is played on a board that is an array of hexagons forming a rhombus pattern. You can Construct a Hex Board, download a ready-made board, or play online. The rules of Hex are simple enough that anybody can play, but the game is also of interest to mathematicians, game theorists, and computer scientists.


Getting Started

  1. Learn the object of Hex. The object of Hex is to create a row of hexes going from one side of the board to the other. Before the game begins, each player should claim two opposing sides of the board. For example, one payer might take the top and bottom the board, while the other player might take the right and left side of the board.[1]
    • To win the game, a player must create a line of hexes going from one side of the board to the other. The player who completes a line of hexes first is the winner.
  2. Set up your board and markers. Lay your board on a level playing surface, such as a hard table. Make sure that both players can access the board with ease. If you are playing on a paper board, then each player should choose one color to use on the board, such as red or blue.
    • If you are playing on a paper board, then one player could use a red marker to mark all of his or her hexes and the other player could use a blue marker to mark all of his or her hexes.
  3. Decide who will go first. The player who goes first has the advantage in a game of Hex, so you and your opponent may want to take turns going first. For example, you could let the person who goes second in the current game go first in your next game. If you wish to be fair, Flip a Coin to determine who gets to go first.[2]

Playing the Game

  1. Take turns placing one piece or marking one hex on the board per move. Once a piece is played or a hex has been marked, it stays that way for the rest of the game. Either player may play a piece in any hexagon that is not yet occupied.[2]
  2. Block your opponent whenever possible. One way to increase your chances of winning hex is to prevent your opponent from winning. If your opponent is close to finishing his or her path, then you may need to devote some of your play time to blocking your opponent. You can block your opponent by placing tiles in his or her path, thereby making it harder for your opponent to win.[2]
  3. Win the game by connecting a row of adjacent hexagons between your two opposite sides. The first player to create a path from one of your sides of the board to the opposite side is the winner. Any continuous path will do, and the pieces need not have been placed in any special order.[2]


  • To even the playing field, you may want to try using the swap option. This optional rule allows the second player to choose whether to switch positions with the first player after the first player makes the first move.

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