Play Guitar Hero Left Handed

If you are left handed, you might feel more comfortable with playing Guitar Hero by reversing the settings. The buttons will be at the opposite side as compared to playing right handed. Here's how to reverse it.


  1. Turn on the PS2, PS3, Wii, or Xbox 360 and put the game in.
  2. Whether you are playing Guitar hero I, II, III, or "Aerosmith", go to the options menu by going to the main screen.
  3. Click on game settings, then click on lefty flip.
  4. Press the green button on the guitar to check this option.
  5. Press red a couple of times to go back. You should be at the main screen. Do quick play or career, and pick your song. The guitar is flipped, so you can play the opposite way!


  • Instead of holding the whammy bar with your pinky and ring fingers, rest it across the palm of your hand. You'll end up with an advantage over right-handed players as you'll be able to depress the whammy with the heel of your left hand without moving your fingers away from the strum bar.
  • On Guitar hero II, you don't have to do it right away. When you're playing a song, press start (the first white button), click on options and select lefty flip.


  • When you change to lefty on II and III, you have to start the song over.
  • Make sure you press the right white button! If you press the wrong one, star power might turn on.

Things You'll Need

  • TV
  • PS2, Xbox 360, Wii, DS, PS3 or PC.
  • Guitar Hero I, II, III, World Tour, On Tour, Encore: Rock the '80's, Aerosmith, Metallica or Smash Hits.
  • Guitar Hero Guitar.

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