Play In a Jazz Combo

Playing in a small Jazz Combo can be fun and a learning experience. Join a group, as they are playing in a small club, after you have watched them for awhile.


  1. Know your instrument. Learn all of the major and minor scales and the blues scale in every key. You will most likely use the blues scale to improvise in the beginning, but as you progress you should learn the dominant 7 chords and minor 7 chords. Know your chromatic Scale, and every fingering for every note on your instrument.
  2. Learn the blues scales, Pentatonic scales for your instrument. Know them inside and out for every piece you play.
  3. Learn to improvise on the blues scales you use.
  4. Be supportive of your fellow combo members. Feel the flow of the music and your combo members and adjust.
  5. On a more advanced level, begin memorizing standards such as Autumn Leaves, In a Sentimental Mood, Tune Up, Night In Tunisia. Be sure you know the chord changes from George Gershwin's "I Got Rhythm"--this chord progression, often simply referred to as "Rhythm Changes", is used extensively in jazz tunes and jam sessions.
  6. A good idea would be to purchase a fakebook, probably for your instrument and transposition.
  7. Learn to write your own combo arrangements. There are excellent text books on arranging for small group available today. Learning to arrange your own combo charts will make you a better improviser as well. It will also help you learn tunes so that you never forget the chord changes. Your own arrangements will help your jazz combo sound unique and organized. Audiences don't want to hear everyone playing the head in unison out of a fake book.
  8. Modern Jazz Voicings: Arranging for Small and Medium Ensembles is one highly recommended jazz combo arranging text. Even comes with a CD loaded with examples.
  9. To get an insight from a respected jazz artist, and to pick up a bunch of combo charts very inexpensively, try Horace Silver's book, The Art of Small Jazz Combo Playing


  • Be good at playing your instrument. Don't learn it in a combo.
  • Do not be shy when playing a solo, and be creative, but make sure you are listening. Listening to other solos, the beat, and the bass will often give you more ideas.
  • Playing any type of music is an indescribable relationship between people, music, and emotion, and especially so in the intimate environment of a jazz combo.
  • Consider listening to Jazz artists in order to expand your feel for the genre. If you wish to truly excel in playing jazz music, you must listen to jazz.
  • Playing jazz is as much of a mentality as it is an action.
  • Give your fellow band members ideas and constructive criticism.
  • You can get a free jazz combo chart at this site, then in about a week you will get an email with a free jazz combo chart download as well. Both are good.
  • When you first start improvising, try to always produce a good tone. Most people forget the technique for their instrument when confronted with an improvised solo. It's not about what you play. It's how you play it.
  • Listen attentively to the other players' solos, and give them positive feedback after a good one. They will be more likely to listen to your solo, and the band will be more connected.


  • It takes time to get good, so be patient.

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