Meet Band Members at a Concert

If you want to meet your favorite band or band members that you really like, this is a simple solution.


  1. For acts playing big arenas/amphitheaters, arrive many hours before the concert starts at the most luxurious hotel in the city. Wait outside by the sidewalk; waiting inside will likely get you kicked out. Do not do this for international tours, they are probably very tired and busy and you will least likely see them that way. For international tours, try the venue.
  2. After the show, wait by the tour buses. Security guards will likely escort you away as this is probably a restricted area depending on the venue and tell you the band/singer cannot/doesn't want to meet you. Don't give up.
  3. If you see the tour bus leaving, follow it (But not too close). It will either go to the hotel or drive to the next stop on the itinerary. If they go to the hotel you may try to meet the band. If you cannot get contact, go the next morning (before check-out times) to see if they leave in the tour bus.
  4. Get to the venue extremely early. The band will usually be arriving around this time for sound check.
  5. Ask calmly, but clearly, for an autograph/picture. They may turn you down, but don't push it if they do, but one item only. If you have a lot, they may think you are selling on ebay and refuse to sign.
  6. Have a lot of common sense. New bands and "washed up" stars will likely want to sign stuff for their adoring fans. Older acts, like the Rolling Stones and Paul McCartney who have been constantly mobbed by people for the past 40 years will less likely sign something.
  7. Many bands have different schedules. See where they play the night before and after. If the following city is 2 days away, they are likely going to sleep over in your city. If the following city is the next night and far away they will likely depart towards the city.
  8. If the city they played before your city is extremely far away, try waiting outside by the airport. Most bands fly commercial. Do not act suspicious; you will be kicked out, investigated, and in serious trouble. Do your research. Most performers arrive in the early hours to avoid big crowds.
  9. Join the street team or fan club of the band, but only if you really are a real fan. Most fan clubs/street teams most likely get secret meet and greets of 14 or 15 people before or after the venue, and it gives you more time to talk to them.


  • Be cool and calm; do not act too excited or they are going to think you're a crazed fan of the sort.
  • Be ready: have everything you need and bring an extra pen/marker just in case. And make sure you do your research .
  • Compliment the band, and if you can talk to them about their work or side projects, especially if they produce for another band. The latter will earn you lots of brownie points.
  • Have a pen/pencil and paper on hand if you want autographs. Come on, you'll look dumb if you don't.
  • Be neat and organized. Wait your turn if other people want to meet them (and marry them!) as much as you do. Don't push or shove. Do not hyperventilate or cry. Bands are made up of people just as freaked out by creepy people and excited by awesome people as you and me.
  • Try to get connections to the band.
  • Remember, they're people too. Act respectively and be polite. and also don't get yourself in trouble or don't be obsessive.
  • Be respectful if they are not able to take pictures with you. Everyone has a bad hair or outfit day, even celebrities. Don't follow them around and pester them for an autograph or for them to follow you on social media. If they wish to not take a picture, maybe they would like to talk instead! Take that chance to chat with the person, the memory of holding a conversation will be greater than a picture.
  • Give them space. If it's they're eating, let them finish, if they're talking to someone, again, allow them to them finish. They'll most likely feel more comfortable with you if you are calm and patient.


  • Ask the band permission before touching them in any way, especially hugs and the like. It is a fast way to make the band disappear and have the remaining crowd very angry with you.
  • Do not harass them, most people don't like being asked too many questions about personal life or relationships. No means no.
  • Make sure the band you like does not have a lot of securities surrounding them. Do not go backstage unless you have a V.I.P pass. You will be subject to arrest.
  • Save your voice. Don't scream too loudly or a lot during the concert so if you're lucky enough you can talk to them!!

Things You'll Need

  • Camera
  • Marker
  • Paper CD or Backstage Pass/Concert Ticket
  • Patience
  • Love of the band
  • Information about the band

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