Play String Bass

You've just gotten your double bass, and it has been set up by a luthier. It is ready to play, but now what?


  1. Start by making sure your bass is the correct height for you. Adjust the end pin length. Test this by playing G on the E-string - your finger should be level with your eyes.
  2. With the bass standing upright, rest the back-right edge of the bass on your left inner hip or pelvis area. Gently place your left knee on the back of the bass. Your feet should be in an "L" shape with your left foot parallel with the back of the bass.
  3. Place your left thumb on the back of the neck, a few inches from the scroll, Keep your left elbow up, parallel to the floor. Keep your palm off of the neck, and let your fingers form a "claw" shape, hovering over the strings, with only flat fingertips touching the strings. (like squeezing a ball between fingertip and thumb)
  4. Make sure the strings are in tune. You can use a tuning fork or an electric tuner, or use tuning harmonics (explained elsewhere). The lowest (thickest) string is E, then A, D, and G.
  5. The strings can be sounded in two main ways: Using a bow (arco) or plucked (pizzicato). Classical music primarily uses the bow, while jazz, bluegrass, and other contemporary styles use pizzicato primarily. To pluck the bass properly, align your index finger pointing downward, pulling the string away with as much of your finger (from tip to middle knuckle) as possible. Proper bowing technique starts with a proper grip for your style of bow, and a relaxed body and hand. Keep the bow perpendicular to the strings, halfway between the bridge and fingerboard. The feeling should be of pulling the sound from the string rather than pressing down on the string, although significant pressure is required for clear sound.
  6. Find an F# on the lowest string by hearing a Major 2nd interval from the open string (meaning 2 half steps). If you lay the rest of your fingers down, you naturally rest in first position. That is F# on your first finger, G on your second (middle) finger, and G# under your pinky. Work with these intervals until you get them in tune.
  7. Move to the other strings in the same position, and get those notes in tune as well.
    On the A string,
    On D string,
    On the G string,
    middle: B-flat
  8. By this time, you can work on 1/2 position (F, F#, G on the E string) and shifting between these first two positions. Half position begins a half step lower in tone than First position on all strings.
  9. Work your way up the fingerboard, learning all the finger positions and their corresponding notes.


  • The importance of a teacher cannot be overstated.
  • Practice is essential to improvement.
  • Practice playing with a bow if you do not already do so. Playing with a bow help you to hear and make corrections to your intonation, which is a crucial part of playing String Bass.
  • Be sure to Care for a Stringed Instrument. Poorly maintained instruments may result in poor tone, difficulty of playing, or the inability to play the instrument at all.
  • Franz Simandl Bass technique book was written over 100 years ago and remains the standard book to learn bass. It is invaluable for learning proper technique.
  • Be careful while tuning, broken strings happen, but they can be expensive and difficult to replace.


  • Make sure your teacher is knowledgeable and plays the Double Bass. Many teachers who play electric bass think they can teach double bass, but they don't understand proper technique and harmful habits.
  • Improper technique can cause injuries and form bad habits. Take time to learn proper finger technique, or get a teacher

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