Look Like Brendon Urie

Brendon Urie is the lead singer of the alternative rock band Panic At The Disco. To channel some of his awesome (this is subjective) vibes keep reading.


  1. Learn how to play a musical instrument. Brendon sings for Panic(!) At The Disco, but he also plays a ton of instruments. Being a musical person is a great trait, even if you don't play a typical rock instrument like the bass, drums, or guitar.
  2. Listen to Panic At The Disco's music. Know the band members, albums, and song titles.
  3. Listen to older music, not just the current hits; 80's and 90's rock and electronic music are great starting points. It's also a nice idea to learn music history. Understand a bit about the bands you'll be listening to, and know more than their hit song.
  4. Wear funky clothes that are still a bit stylish. Hoodies, interesting or vintage t-shirts, and vintage clothes in general accomplish this affect. A big part of Panic! At The Disco's sound is cabaret, and this can be incorporated into your style.
  5. Keep your hair short and dark, and ruffle it a bit with some gel. An alternate style is leaving is a bit fringed and using no hair product.
  6. Use eyeliner to emphasize your eyes occasionally. Rather than keeping it thin and straight under your eyes smudge it a little bit.
  7. Contrary to popular belief, Brendon is not a vegetarian/vegan. He eats meat, so you don't have to give up your addiction to Big Macs (although he has been quoted as saying that he can't live without Burger King).
  8. Learn his grooming habits, any real fan will know them. They will prove invaluable in the long run.
  9. Make funny faces in photos. When you take pictures with your friends purse your lips together, cross your eyes and make other silly faces.
  10. Wear glasses. If possible, get red thick rimmed glasses. If you don't need glasses, many stores sell glasses that do not hinder your vision.
  11. Try to be as hyper as possible. Brendon does have ADHD and ADD, so if you're trying to be exactly like him, try acting a bit hyperactive and energetic.


  • Don't tell people you're trying to be like Brendon Urie. You will either come across as creepy or a poser. Or both.
  • Keep your identity. Being like Brendon is a nice change of pace, but the fact that you're YOU is what makes you an individual.
  • Only attempt this if you have squandered all self respect and now live as a shell of your former self.

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