Play With a Bad Boy's Heart

Bad boys are hard to deal with. These players use girls, and kick them to the curb after they are finished. This article will show you what to do.


  1. Don't flirt with this person anymore. If he is flirting with another girl a lot, then don't care! It might hurt inside, but assume that you are the most attractive person on this earth and that you can get any guy. Confidence makes guys melt.
  2. Flirt with his acquaintances. Got a Facebook? Make it obvious to the player that you are interested in someone else, only if they show the interest in return. Write on their walls, exchange gifts, etc. People look at everyone's stuff on Facebook at some point.
  3. Seem busy. Plan things. Do stuff with friends.
  4. If you are dating this player, look great, and make sure everything about you is perfect. Have other guys notice you, and notice them. Make the whole thing a game. Players are difficult to deal with, and no one wants you to get hurt.
  5. Be a bad girl. Act in your comfort zone, and don't change for anyone else except around the player and some of his friends. Don't ever give in to the player, and don't betray any of your friends. They are there for you, and if you are a good friend, they will be there in return.
  6. Begin playing him. Take special moments to get close to him, and right after seem like there is no connection. Be nice, but at the same time, seem like you have no idea that you are not giving the player the attention he wants. Players live off of attention. They would not survive if they did not get the attention they wanted. Seem interested in him, but when the time comes, be nice but uninterested at the same time. Talk to other guys, flirt with other guys especially.
  7. If the player starts to get more and more clingy, saying stuff like "I need you," and other junk, start to let him in a little bit. Do not do things that all players want from girls, but seem interested ever so slightly.
  8. Make the decision. Will he play you, or have you reeled him in? Do not do the things that all players want girls to do! Wait a couple of weeks, see what he does and how to work with each other. If you want a relationship with this guy, you need to judge if he is really capable of that. If you just wanted to play this fool, forget about him, and don't talk to him anymore. He will probably feel the same way girls have felt when he used them.


  • Make sure this person is a player, and that you have been used. Don't trick a nice guy please.
  • Assume the worst. Depending on your age, some guys may have had a number of partners, or just used girls. It's a shame, but you should not be one of those people! Assume that this person will use you and throw you out after. Do not fall for their trickery.
  • You need to flirt with other people and make it known to the player. Flirting with other people will spark some if any jealousy in this person, if any. You can even start flirting with one of his not so close buddies. This means don't try to flirt with his best friend, but an acquaintance that he is fond of.
  • For example, think of when you first hear that two people have hooked up or started going out. Do you ever feel slightly jealous or wanting? If you don't know the person at all, then you shouldn't feel much, but if you have met the person then something must be there.
  • Get rid of any feelings you have for this guy. If you are still attached to this player in any way, the whole "playing a player" will not work.
  • Stop talking about the player to his or her friends. Best friends or buddies tell each other everything, so don't expect any questions or comments you have will be unnoticed.


  • Look good, smell good, exercise, and be proactive with your life. Your life does not revolve around one person.
  • Give yourself a confidence boost. You are gorgeous and untouchable.
  • Don't date or flirt with people you don't like, and don't lose good friends over any of this. They are the people who truly matter.
  • Don't make a fool of yourself.