Prepare and Install an Above Ground Swimming Pool Liner
Template:CopyeditbotDo you think that only the pro's can do it? Think again. Although we recommend a professional installer, with the correct tools and care most anyone can install their liner. Just follow the guide below, and you decide. A little work can save you a lot of money!
- Drain all water from pool. You may use a sump pump, your filtration system or siphon hose.
- Remove all hung ladders from liner area and any other equipment that may obstruct liner area.
- Remove all face plates and gaskets from inside pool area, i.e. through-the-wall(s), return(s), lights, etc.
- Inspect all face plates, gaskets and hardware for cracks/rips and/or wear. Replace as needed.
- Remove seat clamps, pool ledges, top plates and top rail, basically the top end of pool.
- Remove old liner. You can use a razor knife and cut into smaller pieces for easier removal.
- Inspect pool base and cove for wash outs and evenness. Repair as needed with a masonry sand.
- Remove old duct tape from the wall bolt seam.
- Re-tape wall bolt seam with duct tape.
- Sweep entire pool area clear of pebbles, rocks, sharp edges and all debris.
- Temporarily unroll your new liner in a sunny, debris free area. (this will assist liner to stretch later on)
- Seal the through-the-wall skimmer area with cardboard. (attach with duct tape on the outside of pool wall)
- Seal the water return, lighting holes with duct tape. (duct tape from outside of pool wall)
- Insert 2' of shop vac hose through the card boarded skimmer area cardboard. (duct tape well, until sealed)
- Inspect all duct taped areas. (these must be good seals)
- Re-inspect pool base. (insure there is no debris, rocks, pebbles or rough areas!)
- Attach two wooden clothes pins to each upright.
- Fold new liner in half.
- Place liner in pool area, retaining both ends. (get some help! don't let liner fall inside pool area!)
- Carefully unfold liner in pool area. (do not get inside pool, you can do this from outside of pool area)
- Attach liner to pool wall using the clothes pins. (pull liner about 6" over the wall and attach)
- Evenly pull liner further over the wall, releasing and attaching pins as needed. (to about 15")
- Gently brush and tap liner towards the walls. (this will visually assist you in the final liner setting)
- Inspect and Adjust liner as needed. (insure that the bottom seam is even all around the perimeter)
- Now get some help! (we don't want the wall to fall! This next step will happen fast!)
- Hook up shop vac to vac hose and turn on. (this will simulate water and suck all air out of liner area)
- Release liner EVENLY as it tightens by releasing and attaching clothes pins. (while doing step #18)
- Gently brush and tap liner around entire perimeter towards the walls. (this will remove all wrinkles)
- Continue releasing and brooming the liner until it is seated and even! (if not, go to step #12)
- Inspect liner for wrinkles and alignment, if ok continue, if not shut off vac and go to step #12. (critical)
- If all is well, start filling with water. (DO NOT SHUT OFF VACUUM or you'll get wrinkles!!!)
- Continue to fill until at least 1" of water covers the entire bottom of pool.
- Shut off shop vac! (Finally!)
- Reassemble seat clamps, pool ledges, top plates and top rail. (while removing clothes pins)
- Continue filling pool until one foot of water covers the entire bottom of pool.
- Install all face plates and gaskets. (find at least two holes per item and punch out with awl)
- Carefully cut out all liner material from gasketed areas. (returns, skimmers, lights, etc..)
- Remove all duct taped seals. (return and feed lines, steps, etc..)
- Fill to appropriate operational level.
- Hook up filtration system and any accessories.
- Add your start up chemicals.
- Never empty a pool to clean the liner. (You run the risk of the liner shrinking and/or actually cracking... since pool chemicals have an adverse effect on the vinyl liner after about a year or two of service).
- Wrinkles "really are bad". Because dirt and debris get caught in them, vacuuming becomes more difficult and finally they become targets for tearing from usage or vacuuming.
- These tips apply to above ground overlap vinyl liners without hoppers (deep ends).
Things You'll Need
- Duct tape
- Shop vac
- Soft bristled broom
- Tape measure
- Extension cord
- Awl or punch
- Screwdrivers
- Razor knife
- Sump pump
- Wooden clothes pins
- Garden hose
- Possibly five gallon pail
- Possibly landscaping rake
- Possibly pre-washed masonry sand
- Possibly flat shovel
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