Prepare for a Long Travel in Bike

Ever wanted to travel long distance on your bike? If you are interested, just spare a couple of minutes to read this article before you prepare to go.


  1. Wear your best helmet. When biking long distance, you'll likely be on the side of a road or even highway. Cars make biking way more hazardous, so you'll want your head protected.
    • Make sure your helmet fits properly, too. It should sit straight on your head with the chinstrap snug.
  2. Get some shades. Long periods of sun exposure will damage your eyes, so you'll want to get a pair of sunglasses with a very high UV protection rating.
    • You'll also want your sunglasses to be comfortable if you're going to wear them for hours on end.
  3. Give your bike a checkup. Check things like tire pressure, brakes, reflectors and lights, and lubrication. You probably don't want your bike breaking down on a roadway.
    • It's illegal in many places to ride on the road if you don't have reflectors and lights on both ends of your bike, so make sure you have some functioning ones hooked up.
  4. Pack a small backpack. Bike bags are nice for short trips, but only saddle bags can compete with a compact backpack. Pack it with plenty of food and water, tools for bike maintenance, a first aid kit, maps of the area(s), emergency money, etc.
    • It's a good idea to bring a cellphone for emergencies (if you have one). If you do, put it in a safe place where it won't be damaged or fall out.
  5. Take a rest every few hours. You may feel like you don't want to stop, but keep that up and you'll be too fatigued to go on. Take short breaks every now and then to drink some water and eat some snacks as well as rest. That way you won't get tired as quickly.


  • Watch out for cars.
  • Any time you walk away from your bike, lock it up properly first to prevent theft.

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