Prepare for the GMAT

The Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT) is a vital aspect of the application process to most accredited graduate business schools. The test, which has scores ranging from 400 to 800, has four main components: a quantitative multiple choice section, a verbal multiple choice section, integrated reasoning, and one written essay. Learning how to study and prepare for the GMAT, as well as how best to take the exam, can help improve your chances of getting into your dream school.


Registering and Planning for the GMAT

  1. Decide when you want to attend a graduate program. If you're planning on attending a graduate program in business, you may be feeling overwhelmed with the application process. However, it's important to remember that your test scores are only valid for a specific range of time. If you're not planning on attending your program in the near future, you may want to make sure that your scores would still be valid then, or hold off on taking the exam until a later date.[1]
    • When you take the GMAT will depend, in part, on when your graduate school applications are due. The more time you give, the better, but you should take the GMAT a minimum of 21 days before the deadline.[2]
    • Remember that your GMAT scores are only valid for five years.[3]
    • If you plan on attending a graduate program in the next year or two, it's best to begin planning and preparing now for the GMAT.
    • If your plan is to attend graduate school in three or more years, you may want to wait another year before taking the GMAT to ensure your scores are valid.
  2. Learn about your program(s) of choice. Every graduate program has different requirements and application deadlines. Some programs may accept late materials if the rest of your application is submitted on time, while other programs have a firm deadline and will consider any missing component an incomplete and ineligible application.[1]
    • Find out what each program of interest will require from you, and what that program's deadline is.
    • Some schools do not require the GMAT, though many do.[4]
    • Many graduate programs have a minimum GMAT score that they'll accept, though that score will vary from one university to another. It's important to know what your school will require so that you can either cancel a poor score and/or retake the test as needed.
    • Make sure your program is through an accredited college or university.
    • You can search for business programs in your area by searching online, or use an online database of schools across the nation through the GMAT website.[5]
  3. Determine if you're eligible for the GMAT. There are some basic requirements that anyone wishing to register for and schedule the GMAT must meet. In order to meet those requirements, you must:
    • be at least 18 years old (you may take the exam if you are between 13 and 17 years of age with special permission from a parent or guardian)
    • not have taken the exam more than five times within 12 months
    • wait at least 16 days after a previous exam attempt before taking it again
    • wait at least five years to retake the exam after earning a perfect total score of 800[2]
    • remember that while there is no requirement to have an undergraduate degree to take the GMAT, you must be eligible for graduate school in order to be accepted into a program (which will typically require some type of degree)
  4. Register for the GMAT. Once you've sent out your program application materials and know the timeline you're working with, you're ready to register for the GMAT. You may register for the GMAT online at, over the phone (call 1-800-717-GMAT(4628) in the US and Canada, and be prepared to pay a $10 service fee), by mail (print and complete the mail-in form on and include payment information), or by fax (send it to either 1-952-681-3680 or 1-952-681-3681).[1]
    • You can register for the GMAT up to six months before your test date.
    • It's best to register at least two to three months before your test date to ensure your registration request is processed on time. Add an additional 15 days if you are registering for the GMAT by mail, as delivery times may delay your registration processing.
    • The absolute latest you may register for the GMAT is 24 hours before the test date. However, you may only use this last chance registration option by phone or online.
    • Make sure the test date you choose is at least 21 days before your graduate program's deadline. If your school of choice requires scores to be delivered by mail, add additional time to ensure a timely delivery.[2]

Studying for the GMAT

  1. Get the necessary study materials. You can find a number of study aids online for free or for purchase. The GMAT website is a good source for preparation materials, though any high-ranking, up-to-date study guide should be helpful.
    • If you choose to use a store-bought study guide, check its reviews online to see what other GMAT test takers have to say about that guide.
    • Make sure the guide you use is the most up-to-date version.
    • Spend time preparing for all parts of the test, but make sure you spend extra time on the subject areas you struggle with the most.
  2. Start early and study often. The highest-scoring test takers spent an average of 121 hours studying for the GMAT. Those who scored in the 600 range spent an average of 107 hours studying. Though everyone's progress will vary, it's best to start studying early and develop a regular study routine in order to properly prepare for the exam.[6]
    • Most test takers studying for the GMAT need between six weeks and three months to adequately prepare for the exam.
    • Knowing your own study habits will be the best way to determine how much you'll need to study, but it's always better to err on the side of caution and spend more time studying.
    • You'll need to practice on a daily basis in order to do well on the GMAT. If you have very weak math skills, plan on studying for two-and-a-half to three months total.[7]
    • Sporadic studying has been shown to be ineffective in preparing for the GMAT.[8]
    • Once you develop a study schedule, stick with it. Consistency in your preparation will improve your chances of success.[9]
  3. Study for the quantitative section. The quantitative section tests your math skills, primarily in arithmetic, simple algebra, and basic geometry. In addition to testing your knowledge of mathematical concepts, this section of the GMAT will also test your ability to use reason and interpretation.[10]
    • The quantitative section consists of 37 questions, which you'll have 75 minutes to complete.[11]
    • Arithmetic topics include percentages, averages, ratios/proportions, profit/loss calculations, and calculating interest.
    • Algebraic topics include permutation, probability, quadratic equations, and statistics.
    • Geometrical topics include coordinate calculations and basic concepts of geometry.
  4. Prepare for the verbal section. The verbal section tests you in three basic areas: reading comprehension, critical reasoning, and sentence correction. Close attention to the passages you will read, the questions asked, and the sentence structure within each question will be necessary in order to do well on this section.[12]
    • The verbal section consists of 41 questions, which you'll have 75 minutes to complete.[11]
    • Reading comprehension passages are approximately 350 words in length and cover topics across social sciences, physical/biological sciences, and business. Each question is interpretive and will require some inference on your part.
    • Critical reasoning questions evaluate your ability to make an argument and evaluate the arguments of others. You'll read a series of short passages and answer questions on the rhetorical strengths/weaknesses of each passage.
    • Sentence correction questions assess your ability to follow style and grammar rules in standard written English. You'll read a long sentence that is partially underlined, then answer questions that evaluate the underlined section.
    • Throughout the verbal section, it's important to remember that colloquial English may not be grammatically correct. If you did not do well in English classes, it may be worth brushing up on your grammar and reading skills.
  5. Anticipate the analytical writing section. This section may be the one least prepared for by individuals taking the GMAT. Unlike the other test sections, the analytical writing section is not factored into your numerical score (between 200 and 800); instead, a score ranging from one to six is attached to your other scores. The business schools you apply to will see the analytical writing score, and it may make or break your application.[13]
    • In this section, you will closely read and critically analyze a written argument.
    • Do not address your personal views on the topic; you are simply expected to critique the argument that is given to you.
    • Address the argument's logic, any weaknesses in the argument as it currently reads, and suggest ways to strengthen the argument that might make it more sound and convincing.
    • You will have 30 minutes to complete this section.
  6. Get ready for the integrated reasoning section. The integrated reasoning section of the GMAT is only 12 questions, which you'll have 30 minutes to complete. It primarily focuses on your ability to assess multiple sources of data, interpret graphic displays (charts, etc.), analyze a table of information, and make well-reasoned and logical conclusions from the materials you're given.[11]
  7. Determine your weak areas. The key to doing well on the GMAT is to know your own skill level and areas of knowledge - and by extension, to know which areas of study will need the most work. You may need to adjust your study habits to include extra focus in your area(s) of weakness, on top of reviewing the rest of the material you'll be tested on.[6]
  8. Use the practice exams. The GMAT website offers practice exams online. These will help you prepare for the exam, become familiar with its format, and get a good sense of how prepared you are for the GMAT.[7]
    • Always time yourself while taking practice exams. Remember that you will be timed during the actual GMAT, so it's best to start practicing under time restraints now.
    • You will lose points on the GMAT if you do not complete any part of the exam, so time management skills are crucial.
    • Aim to spend about two minutes on each math question and slightly less time on each verbal question.
  9. Break up your study sessions. Cramming for any exam is a bad idea. Trying to cram for the GMAT is practically impossible. The best preparation for the GMAT breaks up your study sessions into small, manageable blocks. Aim to spend about 45 minutes to 90 minutes on a given day studying for the GMAT.[7]
  10. Consider taking a GMAT prep course. Many college campuses offer GMAT preparation courses, either in person or online. These preparation classes may be beneficial to some, but they can also be expensive. Depending on where your strengths and weaknesses lie, you also may not get much out of a prep course. However, the decision to take a preparation course is a personal one and should be carefully considered.[9]
    • If you're not sure about a GMAT prep course, consider hiring a personal tutor with GMAT expertise. This can give you a more customized preparation in a one-on-one setting.

Preparing for Exam Day

  1. Relax the night before the exam. Once you feel you're adequately prepared, it's a good idea to get the most restful night's sleep possible before the exam. A good way to ensure a sound night's sleep is by easing into a relaxing bedtime routine that will help prepare you for sleep.[14]
    • Make sure the relaxing activity you engage in is healthy and will not interfere with your ability to get up early and take the exam. For this reason, it's best to avoid drinking alcohol or staying up late with friends.
    • Try reading a book, listening to music, meditating, or something similarly relaxing.
    • Avoid using your cellphone, tablet, or computer before bed, as the glare can reduce your ability to feel sleepy. You may want to avoid watching television to further reduce this risk.
  2. Get a good night's sleep. Sleep is a crucial part of test performance. Being well rested can mean the difference between a successful exam and one in which you're struggling to focus and stay awake.[15]
    • Getting sufficient sleep is the best way to mentally, physically, and emotionally prepare yourself for a big test (after studying, of course).
    • Most adults need at least seven to nine hours of sleep each night.[16]
    • Aim to give yourself a little extra sleep the night before the exam to ensure that you are feeling your best.
  3. Set two alarms for the morning. Many people set a single alarm to start the day. While this may work fine on a day-to-day basis, it's important to ensure that you arrive at the exam site on time, or you may not be allowed to take the test.[17]
    • Set one alarm for the time you plan on getting up, and another different alarm for about 10 to 15 minutes after the first one goes off.
    • If your primary alarm clock plugs into the wall, make sure your backup alarm is battery operated. That way if the power goes out, you'll still hear your alarm and get up on time.
    • Don't rely strictly on cellphone alarms, as your phone may run out of battery in the middle of the night or update your phone's operating software.
  4. Bring everything you'll need for the exam. When you arrive at the testing site, it's important to be prepared for the exam. If you forget your ID you will not be allowed to take the exam, and if you forget something crucial like your eyeglasses you may be setting yourself up for a poor performance. Pack anything you anticipate needing the night before the exam, and know in advance what you can and cannot bring.
    • Make sure you bring your photo ID. You will need this to enter the test site.
    • Bring your eyeglasses, if you wear prescription glasses.
    • You are allowed to bring a sweater or light, non-outerwear jacket into the exam in case you get cold.
    • Any additional "comfort" items, such as tissues or cough drops, must be pre-approved in advance. Contact your test center several weeks in advance if you anticipate needing these items.
    • Personal items like cellphones, watches, and outerwear must be left at home or stored in a supplied locker at the testing site. You will not be permitted to bring these items into the test, and you may be banned from the GMAT if you attempt to violate this rule.[2]
  5. Plan to get to the exam early. The best way to improve your chances of success for any exam is to arrive early. Getting there early will help you feel calmer and more settled when you begin the exam, and it will ensure that you will not be barred from entry for arriving late.[18]
    • You may want to consider having a backup mode of transportation in case of an emergency.[17] For example, if you plan on driving, keep the phone number for a taxi nearby, or make sure your bicycle has air in the tires in case you need it.
    • Arriving early will reduce the stress and anxiety you experience going into the exam.
    • Getting there early also ensures that you will have enough time to complete the exam.
    • Make sure you know where the exam is being held: write down the building's name/address, the room number (if applicable), and anything else you'll need to locate the test site.
    • Make sure you use the restroom before taking the exam. That way you'll be less likely to have to go during the test.

Taking the GMAT

  1. Choose which schools will receive your score. Before you begin the GMAT on your exam day, you'll need to choose which schools will receive your results. You are allowed to choose up to five schools to receive your GMAT scores for free. If you want to request that your scores be sent to additional schools, you will need to make that request after the exam, and can do so online, over the phone, by fax, or through the mail.[19]
    • The first five schools you submit your scores to are free, but must be chosen at the test site before you begin the GMAT.
    • Any additional schools (beyond the first five) you wish to send your scores to, or any schools that you want to add on after the exam, will cost you an additional score report fee of $28 per school.[20]
  2. Answer all the questions. This may sound like a given, but it's important to complete the entire GMAT. There are substantial penalties imposed for any portion of the exam that you do not finish.[9]
    • Because the exam is administered on a computer, you cannot jump around from one question to another.
    • You must answer one question in order to proceed to the next question.
    • Don't take more than two minutes on any given question. If you can spend less than two minutes you will be in better shape for the rest of the exam.
    • The ideal time range for each question is to spend around one minute and thirty seconds for each question.[21]
    • All answers are final, so you will not be able to revisit a question and change your answer.
    • If you only have one or two questions unanswered in the verbal or qualitative sections, it won't make much of a difference if you guess the answers or leave them blank.
    • When answering the quantitative section, it is imperative that you answer all of the questions in their entirety. There are fewer questions in this section, so an unanswered question will cost you more points than the verbal or qualitative sections.[22]
  3. Know the format of the exam. Time management is crucial in any examination, so it's important to know how many sections of the test there are and how much time you have for each section. During the GMAT, you will be timed on each section, and it's worth remembering that you may not proceed to the next question or the next section without answering the question at hand. Because you cannot jump around through the test, it's imperative that you answer each question to the best of your ability and within the allotted timeframe.
    • You will have 30 minutes to complete the analytical writing assessment, which is the first part of the exam. There is only one essay question, and it analyzes your persuasive/argumentative abilities.
    • You have 30 minutes to complete the integrated reasoning section of the exam. There are 12 questions that test your reasoning, table/graph analysis, and data interpretation.
    • You'll be given the option of taking an eight minute break before the quantitative section, and another optional eight minute break before the verbal section.
    • The quantitative section consists of 37 questions over 75 minutes. It tests your ability to analyze data and solve problems.
    • The verbal section consists of 41 questions over 75 minutes. You will be tested on reading comprehension, sentence formulation, and critical reasoning.[2]
  4. View your results. Immediately after you complete the exam, you will receive your unofficial scores for the verbal, quantitative, integrated reasoning, and total scores for everything but the analytical writing section. You'll receive your official scores (including the analytical writing score) by email within 20 days of completing the GMAT. The email you receive will provide you with a link to access your scores and detailed instructions on how to view, download, or print your scores.[23]
    • When you view the unofficial scores immediately after the exam, you will have two minutes to decide whether you want to keep those scores or cancel them. If you do not make a selection in the two minutes allotted to you, the system will automatically cancel your score.
    • You will not be able to view canceled scores, and the programs you have your scores sent to will not be able to view those scores.[24]
    • If you canceled your score but later change your mind, you may reinstate your scores for a $100 reinstatement fee, payable through your regional customer service phone line.[25]
    • You may only reinstate your canceled scores within 60 days of the exam date. After 60 days, your scores will be permanently unavailable if you do not reinstate them.[26]


  • Start your preparation well in advance.
  • Master the easiest and basic lessons so that you will become more confident.
  • Pay more attention to your weak spots.
  • Consider organizing or joining a study group. It's less boring that way, and you'll be able to help motivate one another.
  • Review and memorize some of the most commonly-used geometric formulas. Unless you are very mathematical, you may want to get tutoring since the average college senior has not had many geometry classes.
  • When dealing with Algebra questions where the answer is a formula, try picking numbers and plugging them into the answers to find the correct answer faster.
  • Try to score the highest marks in Quantitative section, as this has fewer questions than the verbal section but is worth just as many points.

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Sources and Citations

  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 1.2
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