Pretend to Be an Assassin

If you find assassins fascinating, you're not alone. Maybe you like their enigmatic personalities, or just like being stealthy. This article article will teach you how to pretend to be an Assassin.


  1. Develop your sense of stealth. The steps outlines below will teach you how to be sneaky and stealthy, thereby making you a better assassin.
    • Be able to walk quietly
    • Be able to move and breathe very quietly.
    • Read up online on how to be a ninja. There are some tips on sneakiness in some of those articles that might help.
  2. Develop your sense of hearing. Remember, always listen for audio cues and listen for anyone or anything that might give you away.
  3. Get your weapons. Every pretend assassin's weaponry should consist of the following
    • Nerf pistol with 5 (or more) bullets.
    • Paper or plastic knives (2 or 3 are plenty).
    • A possible few throwing stars (shuriken -- this may not be ideal since throwing stars are usually associated with ninjas)
    • Pretend bombs. These could be little plastic one you buy in a store, or you could make some very small smoke bombs.
    • Some baking powder or other non-poisonous powder to put on the victims food as "poison".
    • A hidden blade if going for Assassin's Creed looks/weapons.
    • A sword that can be concealed is a good idea.
  4. Dress up like an assassin. An assassin's wardrobe usually consist of the following:
    • Non-conspicuous clothing. Something you wear every day would be good.
    • Clothes that have pockets so you can carry all your weapons.
    • Slightly baggy so you can conceal bulkier objects.
    • Cool-looking. (Everyone likes to look good don't they?)
  5. If you want, find someone to be your partner. The person should be sneaky too.
  6. Find a target(s).
  7. Figure out what method you want to use to "assassinate" that person.
  8. Plan. An assassin never goes on a mission before planning for each and every eventuality.
  9. Follow your plan throughout your assassinating streak.

Assassination Ideas

  1. Snipe someone with a Nerf gun or other foam bullet-shooter.
  2. Put the paper with "poison" written on it on their food.
  3. Attack someone when they are not looking.
    • Grab their shoulder
    • Use a bendable cardboard or plastic knife to pretend to cut or stab the person.
    • Use hidden blades.
    • Throw a homemade non-lethal smoke-bomb as a distraction to assassinate at target(s).
    • Climb on top of something and using hidden blades perform an air assassination.


  • Always scout the area before you go out and try to assassinate someone.
  • Have several different "escape routes" in your plan.
  • The idea is to get the most practical, lightest, and most concealable weapons and gear.
  • Be as sneaky as possible.
  • Learn how to eavesdrop, assassinate from a hiding spot, learn how to climb, and learn how to perform air assassinations
  • Learn how to fight several enemies for this will make it easier to handle missions.
  • Have an outfit that with a hood that will hide you identity, but limit your vision too much. This outfit can be fancy if you want it too.


  • Do not get caught!
  • Do not do anything that may arouse police suspicion. You don't want to be arrested, do you?
  • You could get in serious trouble if you use your smoke bomb on mom's new floor.
  • Remember that you are playacting. Do not harm anyone or damage anything while pretending to be an assassin.

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