Prevent Carpet Beetles

Carpet beetles are pesky household pests that when left untreated can rapidly multiply and cause damage to clothing, wool carpet and rugs, upholstery, and other household textiles. Good housekeeping is the first line of defense against carpet beetle infestation.


Preventing carpet beetle infestations.

  1. Vacuum carpets and rugs thoroughly and frequently to remove any eggs and larvae before damage can occur. Also vacuum upholstered furniture, including cushions and throw pillows.
  2. If you have pets, be sure to vacuum or otherwise remove pet hair, which is a source of food for beetle larvae.
  3. Clean clothing and other textile items such as linen and bedding before storing them in tight-fitting containers or boxes that have been carefully and thoroughly sealed. Keep storage areas clean of dust, dirt, and cobwebs.
  4. Clean up food spills and remove accumulated dust and lint frequently because these are popular breeding sites for carpet beetles.
  5. Store food, fur, woolen and other susceptible items in tightly sealed containers that are insect-proof.
  6. Carefully examine any second-hand textile items you bring home and wash them immediately because carpet beetles can travel from one home to another in clothing, quilts, rugs, and other similar items.

Dealing with carpet beetle infestations.

  1. Remove everything from the infested area. Vacuum and wash all surfaces carefully. As much as possible, try not to infest other areas of your home when cleaning infested areas.
  2. Read and follow the instructions on the packaging carefully when using an insecticide in an infested area.
  3. Avoid spraying insecticides directly on clothing or bedding. Remove all such items from an infested closet or room before any insecticides are used.
  4. Wash clothing and other machine-washable items in hot water and dry clean any other items before returning them.
  5. Small non-washable items such as stuffed animals can be treated by freezing them. Place the item in a polyethylene bag, squeeze out any excess air, and seal the bag tightly. Place the bag in the freezer for at least 48 to 72 hours. Then place the bag in the refrigerator so it can thaw slowly. Items can be removed from the bag after they reach room temperature.


  • Carpet beetles commonly lay eggs in areas where dead insects tend to be found, such as along the edges of carpeting or beneath headboards, or in lint accumulating in air ducts.
  • Small, irregularly-shaped holes in clothing items, particularly around the collar, are usually an indication of carpet beetle infestation.


  • Many moth and beetle repellents are toxic and can cause irritation or illness if inhaled. Follow instructions on the packaging carefully.
  • Some red dyes used in rugs and carpets can stain or change color when exposed to certain insecticides. If you are planning to use an insecticide on a rug or carpet, test an inconspicuous area first to be sure the insecticide won't change the color of your rug or carpet.

Sources and Citations