Prevent Rowing Injuries

Rowing is a strenuous sport that puts a lot of pressure on the body. Back and knee pain, wrist tendinitis, muscle injuries and hand blisters are the most common grievances caused by rowing. In order to make rowing a long-term activity, you need to ensure that it doesn't cause you injury. For ways to help you prevent rowing injuries, consider the following list of suggestions.


  1. Improve your rowing technique. Always ensure that you are sitting correctly when rowing. Coordinate your rowing motion and maintain a good posture to avoid back injury. For instance, you should be sitting tall on your seat, with your head up and your eyes ahead. Make sure that your navel is pulled into your spine. Push off with your legs first to make sure you aren't putting stress on your back. If you have a rowing coach, ask about your technique and whether it needs improving.
  2. Don't aggravate any previous injuries. If you already have injuries to your back, knees or wrists, then you need to accommodate for them. Contact your doctor or physical therapist to find out the best ways to protect these areas while still rowing.
  3. Design a fitness program that strengthens your muscles, improves your posture and tightens your stomach. Avoid rowing pains by incorporating aerobic training to build flexibility, strength and endurance, in addition to a weight training session. Include a warm up period in your regimen that incorporates sustained stretches. Make sure you provide enough cool down time also, again adding stretches to your routine.
  4. Practice if you are new to rowing. Just make sure that you don't exert your body by practicing too much or pushing your body before it's prepared. Start off slowly and in short spurts so that your body becomes familiar with the rowing motion.
  5. Be especially vigilant about caring for your back to avoid injuries from rowing. Do this by incorporating exercises designed to strengthen your back. Additionally, if you strengthen your stomach muscles, they can take pressure off the back. Make a habit of caring for your back on a regular basis. Take care when lifting heavy objects, and recognize your personal limits when rowing.
  6. Avoid sun damage to the skin by wearing protective clothing and applying sun screen. Opt to wear layers of light clothing that cover your body and protect your skin. You can remove layers as your body temperature increases. You should also wear sunglasses to protect your eyes and a hat.


  • Stay hydrated by drinking lots of water. You need to stay hydrated so that your body can endure the strenuous workout.
  • Learn rowing etiquette so that you don't cause injury as a result of ignorance. For example, rowing against the flow of rowing traffic will cause an accident.
  • Consider attending rowing classes so that you can improve your rowing techniques.
  • Ensure that you are an intermediate swimmer before pursuing an interest in rowing. If you cannot swim well and your boat capsizes, you are putting yourself and others in danger.

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