Prevent Spider Veins

Spider veins are small blue or red veins shaped like tree branches that often appear later in life on the calves and ankles. Over 50 percent of adults deal with spider veins, and women are affected in greater numbers than men.[1] It may not be possible to entirely avoid getting spider veins, but there are things you can do to slow their appearance. Learn what causes spider veins and habits that may prevent them from forming.


Practice Habits that Prevent Spider Veins

  1. Avoid sitting or standing for long periods. If your job requires you to be on your feet all day, break up the time you stand still by walking around the office or taking a walk at lunch.
  2. Aid circulation with your body positioning. Since spider veins are caused by poor blood flow and circulation, it's important to avoid positions that impede circulation and use positions that aid it.[1]
    • Avoid crossing your legs when you sit at home or work. Crossing your legs for long periods interrupts the blood flow from your heart to your legs, which can cause vein walls to weaken and spider veins to appear.
    • Elevate your feet using a footstool when you're sitting down. Raise your feet to 6 to 12 inches (15-30 cm) above the level of your heart, which will improve circulation and help regulate the blood flow in your veins. It also reduces swelling in your ankles and calves, which will reduce the risk of spider veins.
  3. Opt for low heels. Avoid wearing high-heeled shoes, especially if your job requires you to sit or stand for long periods. High heels put extra pressure on your legs and can restrict the flow of blood from your heart to your legs, causing the limited circulation that can cause spider veins to appear.
  4. Wear compression hose. Wear low-grade compression hose, available at most drug stores or health stores, to prevent spider veins. Compression hose stimulate your blood vessels and improve circulation, making your legs less swollen and achy and preventing the poor circulation that often causes spider veins.
  5. Use sunscreen. It's important to use sunscreen to protect the fragile skin on your face, but sunscreen can also help prevent spider veins from appearing on your legs, calves and ankles as you get older. Make sure you protect yourself from the sun every time you spend more than a few minutes outside.

Change Your Diet and Exercise Routine to Prevent Spider Veins

  1. Maintain a healthy body weight.[1] An important part of keeping your legs and feet healthy and preventing spider veins is maintaining a healthy body weight. Follow a balanced diet and work with your doctor to reach a goal weight that is appropriate for your height and body type. This will reduce excess stress on your feet and blood vessels.
  2. Eat less salt and more fiber. Salt causes your body to retain water and swell, which can put pressure on veins. Fiber prevents constipation, another form of pressure that can lead to the appearance of spider veins.
    • Avoid processed foods like snacks and prepackaged meals, since these are often loaded with sodium.
    • Eat plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean meats. Avoid using salt when you cook at home.
  3. Exercise regularly. Getting daily exercise improves your circulation even when you aren't moving, and it helps keep your body weight healthy. Focus on exercises that keep your feet and legs moving to prevent the appearance of spider veins.
    • Develop an exercise regimen that involves cycling, running or jogging.
    • If that's too high-impact, take daily walks or light swims.
    • Weight training is good for circulation, too. Start incorporating weights into your exercise routine.

Know the Causes of Spider Veins

  1. Spider veins are a normal consequence of growing older. Veins carry blood from your legs, arms, and other parts of your body back to your heart. As your body ages, the valves in your veins weaken, and blood can collect and cause your veins to enlarge and become more visible. This is especially true of veins in the legs and ankles, which have to work against gravity to carry blood up to the heart.
    • Spider veins affect at least half of adults age 50 and older.[2]
    • Spider veins are similar to varicose veins, which appear on the legs as people grow older for the same reasons that spider veins do.
  2. Spider veins are hereditary. About half of people who have spider veins have relatives who also have them. This means that while spider veins can be prevented to some degree, in some cases they may be unavoidable.
  3. Pregnancy can lead to spider veins. Since the veins of a pregnant woman are under a greater amount of pressure than usual, spider veins may appear, especially on the legs and ankles.[2]
    • Spider veins caused by pregnancy usually fade a few months after the baby is born.
    • Subsequent pregnancies usually lead to the appearance of more spider veins.
  4. Having a sedentary lifestyle can lead to spider veins. Sitting for long periods of time is detrimental to circulation, making it harder for veins in the legs to carry blood up to the heart. This extra strain causes spider veins to appear.
  5. Obesity can cause spider veins. Having extra weight puts strain on veins, since the veins must work harder to carry blood to the heart.[1]
  6. Sun exposure causes spider veins on the face. The veins close to the surface of the face can weaken and become more visible, especially on people with fair skin.[2]

Sources and Citations