Prevent Underarm Razor Burn

Women in Western culture are known for their desire to remove hair from many areas of their bodies. The underarms are an area of major concern, with most women in this part of the world feeling that it is a necessity to keep them smooth and hair-free. However, with the contours of the underarms, delicate skin and use of chemicals in deodorants, removing underarm hair without developing razor burn can be challenging. Razor burn is a skin irritation that is the result of shaving using poor technique or a damaged, dull blade. Learn how to prevent underarm razor burn prior to your next shave for smooth, clear underarms.


  1. Consider your current underarm shaving routine to determine what might be causing razor burn.
  2. Because underarm skin is delicate, shaving mistakes can lead to bumps and rashes. Shaving before applying deodorant, using a dull blade and shaving dry underarms are all mistakes that can cause razor burn.
  3. Make sure you have a blade that is in good condition. Dull, old and rusty razor blades can all damage delicate underarm skin and lead to razor burn.
    • New razors are best for a smooth shave, and will require less strokes to remove all hair.
  4. Plan to shave your underarms in the evening before going to bed.
    • Small nicks and cuts that occur during shaving will have time to heal before time to apply deodorant when shaving at night.
  5. Apply shaving cream, gel or lotion to prepare your underarms for shaving.
    • These products will help the razor to glide over your underarms easily and reduce the risk of cuts and scrapes.
  6. Shave your underarms in the direction of the growth of the hair.
    • Because hair growth patterns vary with each individual, run your fingers over the hair stubble prior to shaving to feel the growth pattern.
  7. Some women have underarm hair that grows in several patterns. If your underarm hair is like this, shave in several different directions, following each direction of the growth pattern.
  8. Press the razor lightly while shaving. Pushing down too hard can damage the skin and is one of the causes of underarm razor burn.
  9. Dip your razor in warm water to rinse hairs away from the blade as many times as needed while shaving your underarms. This will also help soften the hairs as you shave.
  10. Wait at least 30 minutes before applying deodorant if you must shave in the mornings.
  11. However, when possible, it is best to shave the night before and wait until morning to apply deodorant.


  • If you are prone to underarm razor burn, try using a deodorant specifically formulated for sensitive skin. These formulas have less chemicals that can aggravate razor burn.
  • Try shaving your underarms in the shower. The flow of warm water and steam from the heat will help soften hair which will help prevent underarm razor burn.
  • If underarm razor burn continues to be a problem after changing your shaving routine, apply a small amount of hydrocortisone cream after shaving. This will help soothe the skin and heal bumps and irritations.


  • Help prevent underarm razor burn by never shaving your underarms when they are dry. Though this might be quick and easy, it will cause skin irritation.
  • When shaving your underarms, do not use a razor with multiple blades. Though they shave fast and smooth, they also pull the hair in several directions, causing irritation.

Things You'll Need

  • Razor
  • Shaving cream, gel or lotion

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