Prevent and Treat Impurities

Everyone, even the seemingly perfect, flawless models and actors, suffer from skin issues every once in a while. It's really not a big deal. But what if you could make your skin problems take a turn for the better. After all, nobody wants skin issues that come with growing up, for they take too long to just "blow over", they are not the most attractive, and they pave the way to more gruesome, unruly skin issues. Find out in this article what you can do to help your skin. Remember, no one has perfect skin, no matter what they want you to believe.


  1. Wash your face daily. It is one of the oldest tricks in the book, but you can bet it works! At first, when you use your daily cleanser or soap for the first time, you will see drastic changes. Gradually, it may become less effective for your skin. That's why you have to change up your soap every once in a while. Wash it day and night, and switch the soaps up daily or every once in 3 days to have an over all effect. in fact, change your routine every once in a while. Use cleansers for a bit, then maybe soap after a while. Scrub your face with a facial scrub, use a washcloth, or after washing thoroughly, your hands.
  2. Drink water or tea. Yes I know, water. But it works. Without water, you will never be able to get completely pure skin. Drink 8 cups a day for the overall, blissfully natural look. Water can help with evening and balancing out all the excess oil in your skin, or lack of it, to replace it with moisturized, clear skin. And then there's herbal tea. The more sought out approach to clear your skin. It will also help you detox your system and boost energy levels and more. So water or tea, it's up to you. I prefer mine cold, but you may go for hot tea. Which works better, is unclear to me.
  3. Eat your fruits and vegetables. Especially fruits with citrus, like oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit, apples, and pineapple. Go for the more healthy approach, and opt away from salty, oily, greasy foods. You can have them once in a while, but you know your limits. It also helps to make a lifestyle change, perhaps even change your diet while you are at it! You will lose unnecessary weight and have clear skin. Try for more organic foods while you are at it.
  4. Use coconut oil. This works so well. But here's what you have to do. Every night, get as much as you can and slather it on your face. Go to sleep, preferably with a fan on, for reasons unexplained.Do not wipe any of it off on your sheets. If you stay up long enough, the moisture will lock in (and the benefits, which clear and prevent impurities) and your face will feel pleasantly different. It will have a cold, moisturized effect, and when you wake up, most of the impurities will be gone, and wherever you put coconut oil, there will be no new problems! This also helps with scars,and can help then fade away and become less painful.
  5. Wash your hair or keep it out of your face. TO cover it up, you could use bangs, but it's better this way. Wash it every day to get rid of oils that cause skin issues with a good, moisturizing shampoo. Keep it out of your face with a headband or bobby pins. It will encourage T-Zone clarity and will help you look more sophisticated and smart. Curly hair does contain somewhat more oil in certain occasions, but treat your hair well, and it won't be a problem at all.
  6. Exercise! Going outside and running around the neighborhood, enough to start sweating a bit, can help. When you sweat, you let out toxins and oils to help promote healthy skin. But make sure that when you come back in, that you drink plenty of water (and ice-cold water does have a lot of benefits) and eat something healthy afterward.
  7. Use last minute fixes. Getting ready for a big day when all of a sudden, there is your latest blemish? We all may have days like that (I haven't yet, but still) so it is essential for you to know these last minute remedies... Use toothpaste. A dab on any impurities or surrounding areas should help reduce the size just a little, and sometimes, put a tiny amount on it, and put foundation on top. Or you could just use concealer. Use almond oil or extract. Warning: It will burn, so put a tiny bit by dabbing some onto a tissue and place it on the blemishes. Also, use coconut oil. Just dab a little, leave it on, and wait to see the results.
  8. Be prepared to use make-up. Concealer and foundation work great. Just try not to put it on with your hands. Use a make-up brush or a cotton swab, put some on, and let it dry. Make sure you find one that fits your skin tone, or only use a scanty amount.
  9. Don't touch your face. This will add excess oils. However, whenever you would really like to, wash your hands thoroughly for 30 seconds, or until ready, and then it is OK. For some of you, like me, it is really hard not to, so if you REALLY can't stand it, touch the edges of your facial bone or under your chin so problems do not occur so visibly! When cleaning your face, it can be OK, but still, wash your hands for a while before trying any of these remedies.
  10. Be beautiful on the inside. This is the most important thing ever. Be kind, help others when you can, and never, ever make fun of anybody for the way they look, for one day, you may be in the same definition. Remember that no matter what, you are beautiful on the inside and the outside. No one is ugly. Make your mark in the world. Take this step to hard.


  • Eat your fruits and vegetables.
  • Drink herbal teas and waters.
  • Moisturize Daily!
  • Go natural.
  • Use these ideas moderately.
  • Be beautiful on the inside.
  • Remember, you are beautiful no matter what!
  • Use these remedies and ideas, for best results, overnight, in a room with a fan on, preferably.
  • Coconut oil is one of the best remedies you could ever use, so take advantage of it.
  • Sometimes, you should just wait for it to go away over time.
  • Use cleansers and soaps.


  • BE careful when trying out these remedies. Some may be harmful for your skin if used excessively.
  • Do not touch your face.
  • Avoid silly fads.
  • Do not ever be mean to someone if they have bad skin, because one day, you could be in that situation.
  • Try not to eat too many salty, greasy, oily foods.
  • Do not use too much make-up.
  • For every extreme, expensive "breakthrough", there is an even more effective natural remedies.
  • Do not take these ideas to an extreme.

Things You'll Need

  • Cleansers
  • Soaps
  • Fruits and Vegetables
  • Coconut Oil
  • Toothpaste
  • Concealer
  • Foundation
  • Shampoos
  • Washcloth
  • Whatever works for you!

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