Properly Write and Format a Book

Have a story you want to transform into a book? It’s been turning and turning in your mind, but it’s just too vague to put into words. You have this character in your head, except you haven’t grasped his/her personality yet. Writing a book is an extremely difficult, somewhat agonizing, truly challenging experience. As a result, having a format to lay out all your ideas is tremendously important.


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Writing and Formatting Your Own Book

  1. Characters: Flesh out your characters so that they will seem like real people. Get to know all the little details, such as their favorite color, their values, and their biggest fears. Most of these facts may never be mentioned; however, knowing them will allow you to know what each character would do in any kind of situation.
  2. Plot: Before you write, formulate your plot. Splitting it into three major events can make it much easier to begin. Can you picture a timeline? Instead of having a straight line, the most important or emotionally evoking events jerk up into a point, which is similar to a triangle. In-between those points, fill in the less eminent occurrences that lead up to those three major events. In order to accomplish these eminent events in your story, those somewhat mundane occurrences must take place.
  3. Start writing: All the aspects of your characters will need to be familiar to you. Use action words. Instead of using the word said, use words that create an image in your mind, such as whispered, yelled, voiced, or mentioned. In addition, avoid using the word thought. Instead, use words like believed, perceived, or contemplated. Your goal is to transport your readers into the reality you have created. In order to do that, you must use writing skills that evoke resplendent, verdure, intrepid images/characters. Don't forget to include adjectives, adverbs, and strong verbs that strike your audience's imagination!
  4. First draft: When you think your plot is pretty stable and your first draft is complete, it's time to let someone else to take a look. An outside opinion can be refreshing and give you access to suggestions and critique.
  5. Editing: Editing will take a very long time and should be saved for later. It may or may not be the most frustrating, exasperating, enervating step of this whole process. Don't lose hope! This book of yours can be made to shine with some editing.
  6. Getting published: If you believe you're finally ready to present your book to a publisher, have different kinds of presentations prepared. Some agents request a query letter first. Some wish to read the first chapter. Some require a synopsis. Be able to fit your story into two or three sentences. What will grab your reader's attention? What will you reveal about your book that will pull them in? What is it that makes your story unique?


  • Be a Sadist. No matter how sweet and innocent your leading characters, make awful things happen to them-in order that the reader may see what they are made of. -Kurt Vonnegut
  • Having an area in which you work on your book is an effective way to have organization. When you enter that space and regularly do your work there, your mind will condition itself to be in "writing mode".
  • Setting a minimum word limit for each day will help keep you on track.
  • Keep a notebook with you at all times. Ideas may come into your head and you may need to write them down.
  • If you get bored or discourage take a break for a few days. Then when you return to it, reread some of the pages you've written to keep you on track and encourage you to write more.
  • There are many different methods of writing a book. The steps above are simply a brief overview of the most common.
  • Your first draft is just the beginning.
  • If you don't seriously enjoy writing stories, this business is not for you.
  • Start as close to the end as possible. It's much easier to fill in the blanks of how to get from the beginning to the end when this is done.
  • If you are thinking of having a sequel of the book, you may want to end it with an unresolved conflict or a cliffhanger.


  • Getting published shouldn't be your only goal. Have your book communicate a message.
  • You may find yourself completely changing your plot, characters, and/or purpose of your book. Don't get all stressed about this. It's just your mind getting everything sorted out. Take some time off and resume with a refreshed mind.
  • Being successful at this kind of occupation takes a great deal of hard work, practice, and numerous rough drafts.

Things You'll Need

  • Notebook
  • Computer
  • Research
  • Wide-ranging vocabulary
  • A thesaurus

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