Read a Whole Harry Potter Book in a Week

The Harry Potter book series is one of the most beloved book series of our time. Many people read the books for book reports, learning how to read, or simply for pleasure. Here's a How-to on how to read one of these books in less than a week no matter what kind of reading situation you're in.


  1. Make a schedule if you are reading the book to write a report on it. The longest Harry Potter book is more than 850 pages, so spread out the number of pages throughout the 7 days.
    • For a huge Harry Potter book, try reading between 100-150 pages a day.
    • The first two Harry Potter books are about 300-400 pages, so try reading 50-100 pages per day. The Harry Potter books can be very enjoyable. Before you know it, you'll be all done with your self-assigned reading. If the number of pages just seems like too many, try dividing the number of chapters, instead. You will be doing the same amount of reading, but it will seem less intimidating.
  2. Start with the first book, since it's less than 400 pages, if you are a beginning reader. The Harry Potter books don't have a lot of difficult words in them, but if you come across a word you do not understand or know, highlight or write it down and look it up in the dictionary.
  3. Take it slowly and build up your reading speed if you are trying to increase your reading speed! You don't want to speed through a Harry Potter book and miss all the good, juicy material do you? Harry Potter is not very complicated to read, so don't fret. Just as in Step 1, make a reading schedule, but either read more pages each subsequent day, or read for less time to cover the same number of pages.
  4. Read for pleasure. This is probably the easiest method, especially for all you Harry Potter fans out there! Get all your chores, homework, or whatever you need to get done first before you start reading so you won't have any distractions or a self-nag in the back of your mind telling you to do what you have to.
  5. Find a place where you can have peace and quiet to do your reading. Distractions like noises, interruptions, and household activities will slow you down.
  6. Find yourself a comfortable seat. If you have a place to prop your feet, that is even better.
  7. Get in a bright location. If the weather is nice, and there is a quiet space in your yard or park, you can find a shady spot to sit and read, and pass a whole afternoon with the characters in your book. If you are reading indoors, make sure you have lots of light. Some people suggest fluorescent lights, since the light is easier on your eyes.
  8. Don't make a contest about your reading. Some people will read through the whole book in a few hours, and that is fine, but you should pick your own speed, and read without putting pressure on yourself to finish.
  9. Take every opportunity to read that you have. If you have a wait for the bus, a free period at school, or some other time when you get a chance, have the book with you, and dive in. Even if you only have a few minutes, you will read some pages, and if you have a long wait, the time will seem like it flew by.


  • Try reading in between 'your time'. Like in your school classes when you're done with all your schoolwork and have nothing to do, whip out your book and read a little bit. Read between school/work breaks, read if you're waiting in the car, try reading a little bit whenever you get the chance!
  • If you have nothing to do with your afternoon, just read for a few hours and then you'll realize that the first few books are really, really short.
  • Find a nice relaxing spot without any distractions so you can fully enjoy the book.
  • It is best to read the series in order, from Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone, Chamber of Secrets, Prisoner of Azkaban, Goblet of Fire, Order of the Phoenix, Half Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows. The story line follows through all seven and reading them out of order will make it harder to follow and less enjoyable.
  • If you're doing this for a book report, have a pen and paper and write some important notes down as you read along!
  • Read at least two hours a day.
  • Read with some friends! Reading with a buddy and discussing the book afterwards can be rewarding and very helpful.
  • If you have a lot of trouble with the words in your book, look for a guidebook to words in the Harry Potter series.
  • Don't read while your tired or you'll forget parts of the book.
  • Place a marker at the beginning of each chapter, and decide how many chapters you want to read as some are longer than others. You will also be able to get through the book faster as you will be more motivated to finish.
  • Read the series in order!

Things You'll Need

  • A peaceful, quiet location (no distractions) with good light so you can see without straining your eyes).
  • A comfortable place to sit.
  • Your choice of the Harry Potter books.

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