Purchase Makeup at a Department Store

Makeup is necessary for some woman and all the women who buy desire the best of it for their purpose. However, everyone should take into consideration that the quality of the products play a big role. That's why in this article, you can read tips to purchase the most appropriate makeup for yourself.


  1. Know your face. Before you go shopping for cosmetics, learn your face - its shape, its flaws, its best features, and its skin type. This will help the beauty advisor at the department store introduce you to products right for you.
  2. Find out what you like. Think about past experiences with cosmetic purchases and know what you liked and disliked about them. This will help you describe what you are looking for to the beauty advisor and keep them from convincing you to like something you’re not sure you want.
  3. Stay within your means. It's OK not to buy a $500 bottle of night cream or a $90 lip gloss. Don't be intimidated into purchasing something you weren't prepared to due to its price. There are many great skincare and color products for the budget conscience.
  4. Don't be afraid to ask questions. If you don't know a product's purpose or how to apply it, ask. It's worthless to buy anything if once you get home you can't use it.
  5. TRY IT FIRST. It is highly recommended (especially to those with sensitive skin) trying out a product before purchasing it. Ask for a makeover or a mini-facial first. Many counters ask you to purchase items to receive these services, but at least this way you don't have to worry about having a problem returning it because you can take a day before using your purchase and see how you like it and if it's color, you can see how others like it. This is also a good way to find out how to apply it by watching it applied on you.
  6. Ask their return policy, especially if they don't let you try before you buy. It is unacceptable not to be able to try it first.


  • Don't assume that because a beauty advisor is of a different race or ethnicity that they can not help you. A professional can assist any person not matter their race or skin type.
  • Ask the beauty advisor if they know how to apply makeup. This may sound crazy, but there are certain department stores who don't require their employees to even know how to put on lipstick before working their cosmetic counters. This is not the person you want helping you.
  • If you’re looking for a new foundation, try it on and then go outside to see how it looks in daylight.
  • Some states require that you are a licensed beautician to apply make-up. Be knowledgeable and check with your state!


  • If your beauty advisor's makeup and/or skin is not flattering to you, he/she probably won't be able to give you the advice needed. Go to someone else.
  • Again, they do take items back. They just get charged back on their poor commission.

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