Buy Quality Makeup at the Dollar Store
Who says you have to go to Sephora to make your face look amazing? If you know how to be a savvy shopper, you can fulfill all of your makeup needs at the Dollar Store. All you have to do is check the seals, read the ingredients, and make sure that the products meet your standards.
Is it worth the savings?
- Know which items are okay at bargain basement price and which might be a bit suspicious. The things to watch for are explained in the following section. Just be aware that it is important to use your common sense and research skills when purchasing cheap makeup. If you have any worries, don't use it.
- Look for good brands. Dollar stores often carry dumped loads, end of line and sales stock. Therefore, it's quite possible you'll find some decent brands in the dollar store, maybe a little dented, a little older than usual or in last season's colors but they're still a good brand.
- Do your research before you buy. It makes sense to do a reconnaissance trip the first time to scout out what's there, then to return armed with your internet-searched knowledge. This can provide more reassurance that what you're buying is both good value and safe/good to use.
- Search for a website for that brand.
- If it has no website, look for reviews on the brand's products.
Things to watch for
- Check pressed powder, powdered eye shadow and blush before buying, because these products can sometimes crack and crumble.
- Purchase wrapped lip gloss. If it has the safety seal, it's almost always dependable.
- Inspect body lotion ingredients. Lanolin, a common ingredient in generic brands, can irritate skin. Cleansers and scrubs can dry the skin too.
- Make sure that both the rubber pieces match up if you buy lash curlers.
- Watch out. Toners can contain harsh astringent.
- Avoid dollar store mascara. You don't know the expiration date, so you don't know how old it is.
- Make sure all tubes are sealed. Eye/lip liner in plastic tubes can lose moisture quickly. Wooden pencils are fine as long they are sealed!
- Ask your friends if they're fond of any dollar store makeup. Recommendations from people you know and trust can be helpful, although obviously take into account differences in skin types, allergic reactions, etc.
- If your skin becomes irritated, stop applying the makeup. If this becomes serious, go see your doctor. Take along the makeup just in case it helps the doctor to identify a problem. If it is the makeup, give the seller a heads up so that they can consider adding a warning or removing it altogether.