Purchase a Camper by Auction

Before you go out and purchase a brand new camper, think about purchasing from camper auctions instead. Camper auctions, which include online auctions, repo or bank auctions, and seized or state auctions, offer high quality, low cost campers. Because each kind of auction has advantages and drawbacks, choosing which is good for you will be a personal choice. Here is how to purchase a camper by auction.


  1. Decide on the type of auction best suited for you. Of the three types, online auctions are actually the easiest in a number of ways. They are simple to find and can be participated in from the comfort of your home or office.
    • eBay is the most famous online auction website, but there are several others out there, and most function the same way.
    • Registered purchasers have a set amount of time, ranging from one or two hours to a few days, to bid on items posted by sellers.
    • Sellers can be individuals or dealers, and dealers can be selling new or used campers.
  2. Buy only from dealers with good repute. One of the most important risks with purchasing online is that you cannot always be certain that you will get what you were sold. To avoid some of this risk, try to buy only from reputable sellers - those with a couple of high reviews.
  3. Consider transportation before bidding. Another risk is that your dream RV might be far from you, which means that you will have to either go pick it up or pay for it to be delivered. You can get around this by reducing your search area to local areas only.
  4. Check out repo or bank auctions. These are held by lending institutions and often have extremely low beginning bid prices because the banks need to clear their stock of reclaimed RVs. Banks need to pay storage charges on all repossessed vehicles, so rather than trying to turn a profit, they are simply making an attempt to cut their losses.


  • Original source of article, www.rvwebauction.com