Put Yourself in a Better Mood

Everyone feels down or blue every occasionally. Are you feeling down, but want to improve your mood, feel more optimistic, and feel uplifted? You can try to put yourself in a better mood through finding quick fixes, working on more long-term solutions like lifestyle changes, and changing how you think.


Finding Quick Fixes

  1. Spend time with a friend. Call up a friend. Spending time with your friends, even if it’s just to watch a silly television show or take a walk, will take your mind off of what’s bothering you. You’ll feel supported and less alone.[1]
  2. Go outside for some sun. You may be feeling down because of not getting enough sunlight. Go outside when it’s sunny. 10 to 15 minutes a day is all you need.[2] This will boost your mood by increasing the production of melatonin, a hormone that has an effect on mood and sleep.[3]
    • If it’s not sunny where you are right now, buy a high-intensity indoor light. Although it won’t be as effective as sunshine, it will help in the short-term.
  3. Move. Take a short walk, do some jumping jacks, run in place, dance around your room, or go for a bike ride. Even short exercise sessions of just 10 minutes can be effective in reducing stress and lifting your spirits.[2]
    • If you’re injured, disabled, or don’t want to do a faster-paced workout, try some simple stretches while standing or sitting.
  4. Start a project. Starting a new project will help to distract you, and as an added bonus will give you a sense of accomplishment. Maybe you’ll tackle a project you’ve been meaning to do for a long time, or maybe you’ll be inspired to start something new. Either way, start with something small and enjoyable at first to get you out of your funk. Some ideas:[4]
    • Organize photos
    • Redecorate your bedroom
    • Find something crafty to do off of Pinterest
    • Start a blog
    • Wash and clean out your car
    • Learn a new language
  5. Listen to music. Choose some music you enjoy that’s positive and upbeat. Turn it up and dance it out. The music itself will activate the pleasure centers in your brain and dancing will release endorphins, both of which will lift your mood.[5] Music can bring back happy memories, give you a boost of energy, and allow you to let out some emotion.
  6. Watch a funny movie or stand-up comedy. Watching something funny will likely make you laugh and smile. Laughing and smiling will naturally stimulate happier emotions, even if you weren’t necessarily feeling happy to begin with.[6] Laughter releases dopamine in the brain, which lifts your mood, and also releases more oxygen in the body, which allows you to feel less stressed and more relaxed.[7]
  7. Cuddle with a pet. Spending time cuddling with a beloved pet will not only get your mind off your worries, but will also lower your blood pressure and reduce other physical signs of stress.[1]
    • If you don’t have a pet, consider going to your local humane society or to a local adoption event at a pet store. Even if you can’t adopt a pet right now, you’ll get a chance to pet animals, socialize with other humans, and maybe even think about volunteering for those organizations.
  8. Hug someone. If you have a friend or loved one nearby, give them a hug. Hugging lowers stress hormones and releases oxytocin, which can boost your mood.[7]
    • If you don’t have anyone to hug, that’s okay. Give yourself a quick massage, which can reduce stress hormones and lower heart rate. Try rubbing your shoulders, neck, and temples.[7]
  9. Practice deep breathing. Getting control of your breath will focus your mind, lower your heart rate, ease tension in your body, and lift your mood. Find a quiet and comfortable place to sit before you get started.[8]
    • Close your eyes
    • Inhale slowly through your nose for several seconds
    • Exhale slowly through your mouth for several seconds
    • Silently repeat a word to yourself every time you exhale, like “relax”
    • Repeat 10 times
  10. Buy yourself some flowers. Get yourself a bouquet of flowers or plant some flowers in a pot or garden. Being around the colors and scents from plants and flowers reduces stress and feelings of sadness.[5] Plants and flowers typically lift your mood more than if you just bought yourself any other gift, too.[6]

Building Long-Term Solutions

  1. Exercise. Exercise increases the chemicals serotonin and dopamine in the brain. These chemicals reduce stress and are as effective as anti-depressants.[9] Even doing mild exercise regularly, such as taking your dog for a walk around the block, will increase your heart rate and boost your mood. Aim for 30 minutes a day.[2] Make sure to choose exercises that match your mood and personality, rather than forcing yourself to do something you don’t enjoy.[9]
  2. Change your diet. Focus on foods that are good for your body and brain. Alcohol, sugar, and foods that are processed or high in fat may temporarily boost your mood, but you’ll often experience a mood and energy crash soon after consuming them.[3] Instead, focus on[4]
    • Eating fresh fruits and vegetables
    • Consuming healthy fats, like olive oil and nuts
    • Limiting sugar and artificial sweeteners
    • Limiting or avoiding alcohol
    • Eating lean protein and complex carbohydrates
    • Eating small meals and snacks every few hours
  3. Get better sleep. People who get fewer than 6 hours of sleep per night tend to feel more stressed and sad, while people who regularly get 7 to 9 hours of uninterrupted sleep tend to report being in better moods.[8]
  4. Enjoy your work. To improve your mood and mental health long-term, evaluate if you like your job. It doesn’t matter so much if you get paid well, as much as if you’re satisfied with what you’re doing. Does your work challenge you? Do you feel creative and productive at work?[2]
    • If you don’t like your job, but for some reason cannot quit and find something different, do other activities and hobbies that bring you joy. As long as you’re doing something personally meaningful and fulfilling to you, you’ll improve your mood.
  5. Create a positive social network. Humans are social by nature, so make sure you’re not isolating from other people. Create a network of supportive people, whether that’s friends, family, and/or coworkers, and interact with them on a daily basis. Surround yourself with people who will listen well without judging, help you reach goals, and be there for you during rough times.[10] If you’re having trouble meeting new friends:[2]
    • Avoid spending so much time using your phone, computer, or TV. Get outside and interact face-to-face with people!
    • Join a support group, a professional networking group, or a club.
    • Take a class at the gym.
    • Take a walk and introduce yourself to neighbors.
    • Volunteer.
  6. Do yoga. Doing yoga a few times a week reduces symptoms of depression, and allows you to focus on breathing instead of what’s bringing you down.[9] The stretching in yoga can help open up spots on your body that may be storing tension. Some good yoga poses to boost mood are:[11]
    • Tree pose, which requires you to focus on balance
    • Side plank, which strengthens the side and core of your body
    • Twisted lunge, which energizes and stretches your back
  7. Cultivate a spiritual practice. Looking inward and enriching your spiritual life can be a source of happiness, motivation, and inspiration when things might not be going well in your life. Some ways you can strengthen your spirituality include:[3]
    • Prayer
    • Meditation
    • Attending church
  8. Volunteer. Think about an organization or charity in your neighborhood you’ve been wanting to help out. Give them a call and schedule, ask how you can help, and schedule a time to go in to volunteer for them. Committing to take time to help others, especially for a cause you care about, will instantly lift your mood.[5]
  9. Try aromatherapy. Aromatherapy can help boost productivity and mood, mostly because your sense of smell is connected to the area of the brain where emotion gets processed. You can buy essential oils at your local drug store or online. Simply put one or two drops on a cotton ball and inhale whenever you need a boost. Some essential oils and scents that are good mood boosters are:[12]
    • Lavender
    • Jasmine
    • Peppermint
    • Rosemary
    • Lemon

Changing How You Think

  1. Reflect on what went well. At the end of the day try to think of three things that went well for you. Re-play those three things in your mind and write them down. In this way, you’ll trick your mind into focusing on the positive.[9]
  2. Brighten someone’s day. Expressing gratitude and kindness toward others will not only cheer you up, but other people too. Choose some important people in your life and send them a little reminder of what you like or appreciate about them.[5]
  3. Change your negative thoughts. When you’re feeling down, you’ll probably notice negative thought patterns start to emerge. Put a stop to these thoughts by confronting them or challenging them with a positive counter-thought.[3]
    • For example, if you’re feeling down about not getting to go outside lately because of bad weather and work, you can say “This won't last forever. I know I can find things indoors to cheer me up in the meantime."
  4. Express yourself. Take time to vent what you’re frustrated or down about. While it’s important not to overthink or overly focus on the negatives, it’s also important not to ignore them. Instead of denying your feelings or keeping them bottled up inside, express yourself to a trusted friend.[7]
    • If you don’t feel like talking, consider writing in a journal, painting, or drawing.
  5. Let go. If you're holding on to past hurts or resentments, let them go. They're only continuing to bring you pain and suffering if you still focus on them or think about them. Also let go of any mistakes you've made in the past or worries you have for the future. You cannot control those things.[13]


  • If you are feeling persistently down or sad more days than not, having thoughts of suicide or self-harm, or self-medicating with alcohol or other drugs, seek help from a professional counselor or doctor. While it’s normal for most people to experience occasional days of sadness, depression is a serious, but treatable, condition.
  • Consult with your doctor before making any changes to your diet or exercise regimen.
  • Consult with a doctor before using any alternative means of therapy, such as aromatherapy.

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Sources and Citations

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