Reconnect to a Wireless Router

Sometimes, for no obvious reason, your internet connection goes down. This article aims to provide fixes.


  1. Ping your router from your PC. Go to Start > Run > type "command" without quotes. Or "Cmd" for Windows XP. Then type ping (if this is the address of your router)
  2. Unplug the router from electricity.
    1. Pause (about 10 seconds) then plug it back in.
    2. Check by going into the router by going onto your URL white address bar and after http:// (typing) or or or or whatever.
    3. Then enter username and password for the router (eg admin / admin) and click Router status.
      • To reset the username and password to the manufacturer's default setting, press "reset" or stick a pin into the hole at the back of the router (but remember to alter the password later).
  3. Check that the cable is connected from the router to the telephone line.
  4. Check the WEP code by going into the router ( or whatever) entering username and password for the router (eg admin/admin) and click Setup Wizard, reentering the correct WEP code.
  5. Try turning your computer off and on again if that doesn't work.
  6. Try START ... RUN ... cmd ... IPCONFIG /renew.
    • If you are still getting nowhere, it is possible that your ISP is down.


  • First look at your cable or DSL modem to see if your cable/internet light is on.
  • it also works for connecting a xbox 360 wirelessly to a network.
  • Some routers are unable to cope with the type of traffic generated by torrents - and cut out or lock up as a result.
  • Ping your router from your PC. Go to Start > Run > type "command" without quotes. Or "Cmd" for Windows XP. Then type ping (if this is the address of your router)
  • If you get your internet and cable service from the same company verify your cable TV service is working.

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