Recover from a Snowboard Crash

Read this and you will look like a pro when you wipe out on a jump. You'll be able to get back up and ride away unharmed (maybe).


  1. Don't panic. Just relax and stay flexible.
  2. Sit like you're about to attach your boots onto your snowboard.
  3. Wipe off excess snow from your board.
  4. Tilt your board towards you and move your pelvis closer.
  5. Grab the top edge of the board and swing it down while moving your pelvis with the board.
  6. Once you're just about up, try to straighten out.
  7. If you end up sliding on your back headfirst down the hill, tuck your head in! use one arm to try to correct your direction, and if you find your way back onto your heel edge, try to stand up and ride away.
  8. Once you're standing, gain control again and ride away towards your next challenge.


  • If you fall down in front of a path, quickly move to the side so you can avoid other riders.
  • Avoid back and neck injury by tucking your head in when the time is right.
  • Also, try your own variations of this and find out what works for you.
  • The more quickly you get up, the more honorable you'll look.
  • If you fall don't worry about it, get up and look like you did on purpose.
  • You should try to practice somewhere private to avoid embarrassment.
  • It is very important to get off the landing; you don't want to have the next rider land on your face. Move to a safe location as soon as possible.


  • Do things on your skill level only.
  • Always always wear your helmet.

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