Reduce Keratin in Skin

Keratin is a class of fibrous proteins, and your outer layer of skin is mainly composed of this protein.[1] Sometimes your body malfunctions when producing this protein, and it builds up under a hair follicle near the top layer of skin; it then produces a plug that rises to the surface.[2] These plugs manifest as small, rough dots, often white or red, and the condition is called keratosis pilaris.[2] This condition is harmless, medically speaking, though if you have it, you may want to find ways to reduce its appearance.[3] Although you can't reduce keratin necessarily, you can work to lessen the appearance of keratosis pilaris, including seeing a doctor and moisturizing your skin.[4]


Seeing Your Doctor

  1. Visit your doctor for a prescription. If you feel like your keratosis pilaris is an issue, you can talk to your doctor about treatment. You can discuss your options to see what works best for you.[4]
    • Your doctor may prescribe an acid lotion, either lactic acid lotion (such as AmLactin or Lac-Hydrin), salicylic acid lotion (such as Salex lotion), retinoic acid products (such as Retin-A or Differin), urea cream (such as Carmol 10, 20, or 40), or alpha hydroxy acid lotion (such as Glytone).[4] These acids help dissolve the hard, scaly outer layer of your skin, reducing the appearance of keratosis pilaris.[5]
    • Your doctor may also prescribe a steroid cream (such as triamcinolone 0.1%), which can reduce redness.[4]
  2. Move up to emollient-based steroid creams. If other treatments do not work, your doctor may try an emollient-based steroid creams. Some creams in this class are Cloderm and Locoid Lipocream. You can only use these creams for about a week.[4]
  3. Ask about photodynamic therapy (PDT). Basically, this treatment uses light and photosensitizer that you apply to your skin to work on the condition; however, using it for keratosis pilaris is an off-label use, so it may not be covered by your insurance.[4]
    • Remember you can't actually cure this condition — you can only make it better.[4]
  4. Talk about a vitamin A supplement. Though lack of vitamin A does not necessarily cause keratosis pilaris, it can cause you to exhibit similar symptoms.[6] Ask your doctor for a blood test and about whether a vitamin A supplement can help.[7]

Reducing Dryness

  1. Take baths and showers in lukewarm water. Do not use hot water when bathing or showering, as hot water dries out the skin and causes this particular skin condition to worsen. In addition, limit how long you are in the shower, as showering strips your body of its natural oils.[8]
  2. Pick the right kind of soap. The best soaps are mild ones that have added oils. Look for "added moisturizers" or "moisturizing" on the package. Skip ones that have antibacterial properties or that have added scents or alcohol.[9]
    • In fact, it may be best to skip soap altogether and go for cleansers instead.[2]
  3. Attempt gentle exfoliation. You don't want to scrub your skin raw. However, using a light exfoliant can help. An exfoliant just sloughs off the top layer of dead skin. You can try a loofah or washcloth with your soap; reserve pumice stones for really rough areas, such as your feet.[2]
  4. Use a moisturizer after showers. Every time you hop in the shower, make sure you use a moisturizer when you get out. The same holds for when you wash your hands. When you get your body wet, you need to be applying a moisturizer. Washing skin can remove natural oils, and applying a moisturizer immediately can help trap the water near your skin, providing moisture.[10]
    • Apply your moisturizer while the skin is still damp, just after showering.
    • If you're having trouble with dry skin, pick a moisturizer that includes an oil or fat to help moisturize your skin.[9]
  5. Use moisturizers at least three times a day. In addition to applying moisturizer after you shower, you should also apply it throughout day. Try applying it both when you get up and when you go to bed.[4]
  6. Pick natural fabrics. Natural fabrics are better for your skin because they allow air in. The exception to the rule is wool, which can be itchy. Stick to cotton or silk.[9]
  7. Try natural detergents. When picking out your detergent, look for ones that are free of dyes. Dyes can irritate your skin. Similarly, it's good to pick one that's scent-free for the same reason.[9]

Using a Humidifier to Moisturize Skin

  1. Try a humidifier. A humidifier can help moisturize your skin, especially if you live in a dry climate. The ideal humidity for your home is between 30 and 50 percent. If your home falls below that range, you should be using a humidifier to help your dry skin.[11]
    • If you need to test the humidity, you can find hygrometers at your local hardware store. They look and work basically like a thermometer. Some humidifiers come with a hygrometer attached.[11]
  2. Keep your humidifier clean. It's important to keep your humidifier clean because otherwise it can breed bacteria and fungus, making you sick. One step you can take to help keep it clean is to use distilled water, as it doesn't contain minerals that can encourage bacteria to grow.[12]
    • Change out the water everyday if possible. To change out the water, unplug the unit. Pour out the water. Dry it out, and then refill with clean water.[12]
    • Clean it out completely every three days. Unplug the unit. Make sure the unit doesn't have mineral deposits by using hydrogen peroxide on it (3 percent). Rinse it out afterwards.[12]
  3. Don't keep a humidifier forever. Humidifiers can build up bacteria over time. If you have an old one around the house, consider replacing it.[12]
  4. Set-up the humidifier in the room you spend most of your time. The point is to help your skin, and it can't do that if it's in a room you're not in much. A good choice is your living room or bedroom. If you can, consider having one in each room.


  • Whatever treatment you use will take time to see improvement. However, if you fail to see improvement in about six weeks, you need to consult a dermatologist. Treatment can’t cure this condition; however, a specific skin maintenance plan can help control flare ups.[13]

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