Reduce Male Breast Size

Enlarged breasts on men can be an embarrassing issue. This issue can be caused by lifestyle factors as well as an hormonal imbalance in your body, a medical condition known as gynecomastia.[1] You can take practical steps to address this issue if you have enlarged breasts due to weight gain or gynecomastia.


Doing Upper Body Exercises

  1. Use exercise to reduce your male breasts if you do not have gynecomastia. If you are experiencing enlarged breasts due to weight gain and/or puberty, you can do exercises to strengthen and tighten this area. The issue can also be helped by maintaining a healthy diet. However, if you suspect you may have gynecomastia, you should see your doctor for a diagnosis. You may then consider surgical options to remove fat in this area.[1]
    • Gynecomastia is often caused by hormonal imbalance, where your body is producing less testosterone and more estrogen. This can then lead to enlarged breasts. You can experience enlarged breasts during puberty and as an adult, with men commonly developing gynecomastia between the ages of 50 and 80. Men with gynecomastia may have breasts that feel tender, sensitive, and appear swollen.
  2. Do chest presses. You can do chest presses using dumbbells at home or at the gym. Chest presses will help to work out your chest muscles, tightening them and reducing the saggy appearance of your breast area.[2][3]
    • Lay down on a slanted exercise bench with your back against the bench. Hold a dumbbell in each hand. You can use ten to fifteen pound dumbbells if you do not use free weights often. Otherwise, use dumbbells that feel heavy but not impossible to pick up.
    • Breath in and bend your elbows until your upper arms are parallel to your chest. Then, exhale as you push up slowly holding the dumbbells until your arms are straight. Make sure there is a little bend at your elbows so you do not lock out your arms.
    • Hold the position for two seconds and then inhale as you return to the starting position, with your upper arms parallel to your chest.
    • Repeat this for three sets of 10 reps three to four times a week. You may integrate chest presses into a total body workout routine that you do several times a week. Keep in mind it is more effective to do a total body workout to tighten up your muscles rather than target one muscle group, such as your chest muscles.
  3. Try push ups. Push ups are a simple but effective exercise for reducing breast size, as they help to work your pectoral muscles. You can start with normal push ups, if you are new to push ups, and then transition into more difficult variations, such as decline push ups.[2][3]
    • To do normal push ups, place your hands a little wider than your shoulders on an exercise mat. Then, stretch your legs behind you so they are hip width apart. Make sure you are on the balls of your toes, with your legs straight and strong. Flatten your lower back so your hips are in line with your shoulders.
    • Inhale as you hold the starting position and exhale as you slowly bend your arms and lower yourself towards the floor. Only drop down low enough for your chin to almost graze the floor and then inhale as you push yourself back up. Repeat this for three sets of 10 reps, three to four times a week.
    • To do a variation, like decline push ups, place your feet on an exercise bench or the second step on a set of stairs. Then, place your arms wider than shoulder width on the floor so your upper body is on a decline. Do three sets of 10 reps of decline push ups, three to four times a week.
  4. Do bench presses. Bench presses are a more advanced exercise you can do at the gym or at home using a bench press bar. This exercise is great for strengthen your chest muscles and building your arm strength.[3][4]
    • Start by determining your hand positioning on the bench press bar. Lie down on the bench and unrack the bar, with no weight on it. Lower the bar slowly to your chest and note where your forearms are. Your forearms should be as close to vertical as possible as you lower the bar. Your grip should be strong and comfortable on the bar as you raise and lower it.
    • You may want to start with a lower amount of weight on the bar and then work your way up. Make sure your feet are firmly planted on the floor and your knees are bent at an 80 degree angle.
    • Exhale as you unrack the bar and tighten up your abdominal muscles. Inhale as you lower the bar all the way down towards your sternum until it hovers just above the center of your chest. Let the bar lightly touch your chest, and avoid letting the bar bounce or hit your chest. Then, exhale as you raise the bar back to the starting position.
    • Start with four to eight reps and then increase the amount of reps you do over time. You may integrate bench presses into an overall workout routine to strengthen your pectoral muscles.
  5. Use a rowing machine. The rowing machine is a fun way to build cardiovascular strength and work out your pectoral muscles. The pulling motion of the rowing machine can really firm up your chest muscles over time.[2][3]
    • You can find seated rowing machines at your local gym or buy one for home use online. Try to spend at least 30 minutes on the rowing machine and maintain a steady pace as you row. You should be working hard enough on the rowing machine to break a sweat, as this will indicate you are really working your chest muscles.
  6. Commit to an interval training program. It is often more effective to work out your entire body, rather than try to target one particular area or muscle group. You can create an interval training program where the focus is on your chest muscles as well as your overall health. Interval training involves doing a series of short, intense exercises as well as exercises that are less intense and take longer to perform. This type of training can be great for weight loss and fat burn.[2][3]
    • You may create an interval training program where you do quick, intense exercises like decline push ups and chest presses, followed by cardio on the rowing machine and bench presses exercises.
    • You should try to also include exercises for your legs and core in your interval training program so it is well balanced. Ask a trainer at your local gym for advice or look up existing interval training programs online that include upper body exercises.

Maintaining a Healthy Diet

  1. Adopt a low-fat diet. Your breasts consist of mostly lipids, or fat cells. Cutting down on empty calories and fat heavy foods can help to reduce the fat on your body, including the fat in your breast area.[5]
    • Go for healthy sources of protein like lean meats, tofu, and beans. You should also have a healthy balance of the four other major food groups in your diet, including fruit, vegetables and legumes, grains, and dairy. Avoid any fat heavy options and select low sugar, low fat options.
    • Get into the habit of reading food labels and avoid any foods that contain processed or artificial ingredients. Fresh foods are always best, especially when combined with healthy grain options like quinoa, couscous, and brown rice.
  2. Make weekly meal plans. To stay on top of your healthy diet, you may create weekly meal plans where you choose healthy recipes to make for the week. Choose a convenient day to go grocery shopping, list in hand, for the ingredients for these recipes so you can make them easily throughout the week. You should also plan for leftovers to take for lunch at work or as healthy snacks throughout the day.
    • You may want to determine your daily calorie intake and plan your meals around your allotted calories per a day. Count-Calories can help you control what you eat and ensure you have enough energy to do exercise and get through your day.
  3. Cut back on your alcohol consumption. Alcohol and other substances, like marijuana, amphetamines, and methadone, have been shown to cause gynecomastia. Try to limit your consumption of alcohol and uncontrolled substances so your male breasts do not become larger over time.[6]
  4. Do not use estrogenic herbal products. Herbal products made of plant oils, such as tea tree or lavender, have been associated with the development of gynecomastia. This could be due to the weak estrogenic activity in herbal products.[6][3]
    • Do not use shampoos, soaps, or lotions that contain these plant oils. You should also avoid applying these oils in their pure form on your upper body area.
  5. Avoid medications that can cause gynecomastia. Certain medications have been shown to cause gynecomastia or make this condition worse. You should avoid the following medications or speak to your doctor if you are already on these medications:[6]
    • Anti-anxiety medications, such as diazepam (Valium), as well as tricyclic antidepressants. If you are currently on anti-anxiety medications or antidepressants, talk to your doctor about reducing your dosage. Never stop taking your medication without the advice of a doctor.
    • Medications to treat prostate issues, such as anti-androgens (flutamide, finasteride, and spironolactone).
    • Medication to treat AIDS. Men who are HIV-positive can develop gynecomastia due to treatment for HIV and AIDS.
    • Anabolic steroids and androgens.
    • Certain antibiotics.
    • Ulcer medications, such as cimetidine (Tagamet).
    • Certain heart medications, such as digoxin (Lanoxin) and calcium channel blockers.
    • Chemotherapy as part of cancer treatment.

Getting Breast Reduction Surgery

  1. Talk to your doctor about your surgical options. If you have tried exercise and dietary changes to no avail, or if you have a medical issue that is causing your gynecomastia, you may consider breast reduction surgery. You should set up a consultation with a plastic surgeon about male breast reduction surgery to ensure it is right for your condition.[7][8]
    • You can ask your GP for a referral to a plastic surgeon who specializes in breast reduction surgery for men. You may want to set up consultations with several surgeons to find one that is right for you.
    • Though breast reduction surgery is an effective way to reduce your breasts, you will need to also maintain a healthy weight, balance your hormonal levels, and avoid certain drugs to reduce the chances of developing gynecomastia again.
  2. Discuss the procedure with the surgeon. Before you commit to breast reduction surgery, you should sit down with the surgeon and have her outline the procedure from start to finish.[7]
    • You will be put under general anaesthetic during the procedure, which should take around 90 minutes. Fatty tissue will be removed through an incision around your nipple. The surgeon may also make cuts down your chest to move excess tissue and then reposition your nipples.
    • You will need to recover overnight in the hospital and allow yourself a few days off to rest. You will also need to avoid any strenuous activity up to six weeks after the operation. You will have to wear an elastic garment after the operation to assist with healing and recovery.
  3. Be aware of the risks associated with the procedure. Though breast reduction surgery is often very effective, the surgery can leave red and lumpy scars in the area. They may appear for several months and then fade gradually over time.[7]
    • You are also at risk of losing sensation in your nipples and having uneven nipples as a result of the surgery.


  • If your breasts feel painful and very tender or if you notice discharge coming from one or both breasts, you should see your doctor right away.[9]
  • Enlarged breasts on men can develop due to health issues like hypothyroidism, tumors, kidney failure, and liver failure. See a doctor if you are at all concerned about any of these health issues.[9]

Sources and Citations

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