Remove Bathroom Tile

Removing ceramic tiles is a time consuming job, especially if you're trying to preserve them for reuse elsewhere. If your tiles are only chipping off in tiny pieces, you may need to spend more time scraping out grout, or switch to power tools instead of a hand chisel.


Removing Floor Tile

  1. Protect fixtures and usable floor with drop cloth. Remove all unnecessary objects from the room. Cover bathtubs, counters, mirrors, and other fixtures with a drop cloth to protect them from flying pieces of tile. Lay down drop cloth over any part of the floor you plan to keep as well.
    • For hygienic reasons, Clean-a-Bathroom thoroughly before you continue.
  2. Remove-a-Toilet. If the toilet (or a pedestal sink) is covering the tile, turn off the shutoff valve on the water supply line. Flush the toilet until the tank and bowl are both dry, finishing the job with a hand-operated pump, then a sponge. Detach the tank using a wrench. Set the tank and the toilet aside on old towels or other absorbent materials.[1]
    • You may need to rock the toilet back and forth to break the caulk, or cut away the caulk with a utility knife.
    • After removing the toilet, plug the hole with a rag to block sewer gases.
  3. Put on safety equipment. Wear heavy-duty gloves, wraparound safety goggles, and long sleeves to protect yourself from sharp tile pieces. Wear a dust mask to protect against dust from pulverized tile.
    • Ceramic tiles commonly contained asbestos until the 1980's in the US, and the 1990s in some regions.[2] Test-for-Asbestos and, if asbestos is found, hire a professional to remove the tiles safely.
    • Even modern tiles often use lead glaze, which creates lead dust during removal. One tile removal project is unlikely to cause dangerous exposure, but to be on the safe side, ventilate the bathroom to the outside, and wash skin and clothes after completing the project.[3] Buy a respirator mask rated for lead dust if you expect repeat exposure.
  4. Break through the first tile. Use a cold chisel and sledgehammer to break apart one tile, and deposit the pieces into a bucket. This will give you a look at the subsurface, which can help determine your approach. Read through the rest of this section before you decide how to continue.
    • If you want to preserve as many tiles intact as possible — which is difficult and time-consuming — first cover the center of the tile with masking tape and drill several holes through it with a carbide-tipped drill bit.[4] This will reduce the number of flying pieces that can chip nearby tiles.
  5. Remove the tiles without removing the substrate. If the material beneath the tiles is in good condition, you can save yourself some money and leave it intact. That said, this method is slow and often causes some damage to the substrate; use your best judgement. Remove the tiles with a putty knife, placing the edge low against the side of the tile and striking the base of the knife with a hammer. An electric chisel is another option. Periodically scrape adhesive off the exposed floor with a putty knife or a floor scraper.
    • If the tile only breaks in tiny pieces, or if you want to maximize the chance that the tile comes out intact, scrape out the grout lines around the tile first. You may use a handheld grout saw, a carbide blade fitted onto a rotary grinder or oscillating tool, or (less effectively) a utility knife with several spare blades.[5]
    • A little heat from a blow dryer or heat gun may soften the grout.
  6. Saw through plywood or cement board substrate. Chip away a row of tiles to expose this substrate. Fit a reciprocating saw with a long blade (wood-cutting or carbide-tipped masonry cutting, depending on the material). Cut into the side of the substrate at a low angle, making a long cut to free it from the floor beneath. You can now lift the material and tile up in chunks with a flat bar.[6]
    • Cutting through cement board may damage the floor beneath, and roofing nails may interrupt your progress. A safer, but slower alternative is to break through the cement board with a hammer. You can then pry the cement board off the floor beneath using a trowel.[7]
  7. Remove a mortar bed. Floor tiles from the 1960's and earlier were often installed on a thick mortar bed. This is a pain to remove, but chiseling out the tiles is slow and will likely cause cracks in the mortar anyway, so it's best to replace it now if you can afford it. Here's how to remove it:[8]
    • Shut off the house's main water valve. Removing the mortar bed may damage a water pipe.
    • Break through a small area with a chisel and sledge to the surface beneath (usually wood).
    • Using a rotary hammer with a chisel bit (from a tool rental company), chisel around a chunk of mortar about 1 foot (0.3 m) across. Use caution when approaching the base of the bed.
    • Complete the job by using the hammer between the wood and the mortar bed, periodically chiseling the mortar from above.

Removing Wall Tile

  1. Protect yourself and your surroundings. Wear wraparound safety goggles, work gloves, long sleeves, and a dust mask. Lay a canvas drop cloth over the bathtub, shower floor, or any fixtures you want to protect from chipping.
  2. Consider tearing apart shower walls. Shower tiles are usually installed over drywall and/or thin backerboard over drywall. Ripping the entire substrate away is much faster than removing the tiles piece by piece, but will break all your tiles. Here's how to go about it:[9]
    • Chip away the rounded bullnose tiles from the edge and top of a shower with a hammer and chisel.
    • Cut through the drywall along the edge of the tiles with a utility knife.
    • Place a pry bar against this line and lever away large sections of the wall. Work it left and right to loosen the nails holding the drywall in.
    • Once the side walls are removed, remove the back wall of tiles by breaking tiles in a vertical line with a hammer, then prying the exposed edge.
  3. Remove-Wall-Tiles. This method is slower, but allows you to save some of the tiles for reuse (or at least save the substrate). Scrape away some of the grout in a long line using a utility knife, grout saw, or rotary grinder. Place a chisel against the edge of a tile in this line, almost flat against a wall, and tap with a hammer. If all goes well, the tile will pop out. If it doesn't budge or if a small piece chips off, remove grout from the sides and try again. This becomes easier once the first tile is removed.
    • An electric chisel can speed this job up.
  4. Remove adhesive. After chiseling away tiles, scrape away the adhesive with a putty knife or hand scraper.


  • Removing mastic adhesive can be a job in and of itself. Remove-Mastic, and take special precautions with black mastic, which may contain asbestos.


  • When removing tiles from the wall, it's hard to avoid removing parts of drywall. Be prepared to repair or install new drywall.
  • Always wear the proper protection when working with tools and broken tile.
  • Moving large plumbing fixtures such as toilets and sinks can be very dangerous and messy.

Things You'll Need

Not all supplies are needed for all jobs. Refer to instructions.

  • Cleaning supplies
  • Buckets
  • Gloves
  • Canvas drop cloths
  • Safety goggles
  • Sponge
  • Utility knife
  • Putty knife
  • Masking tape
  • Drill and bits
  • Mallet
  • Rotary hammer
  • Chisel
  • Sledgehammer
  • Reciprocal saw

Related Articles

  • Tile-a-Bathroom-Floor
  • Install-Ceramic-Wall-Tile
  • Quickly-Repair-Bathroom-Shower-Tiles
  • Install-Bathroom-Accessories-on-Ceramic-Tile

Sources and Citations

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