Remove Oil from Your Face

Our skin produces oil to protect itself from dirt and to keep itself moisturized, but sometimes too much oil can build up and leave our faces looking shiny. Some people's skin produces more oil than others, but everyone can benefit from taking certain measures to have healthier facial skin. Read on to learn how to remove oil from your face.


Employ Quick Fixes

  1. Use blotting paper. Blotting paper is smooth, absorbent paper that removes oil without taking off your makeup. It's the most convenient quick fix for an oily face: simple take out a sheet and blot your forehead, nose, chin, and any other oily spots. You can buy blotting paper at most drugstores, but if you don't have it on hand, try one of these handy substitutes:
    • Tissue paper. Use the plain white kind that that you use to wrap presents. Avoid getting colored tissue paper, since it can bleed on your skin.
    • Cigarette papers. These are made from smooth paper similar to blotting paper. They're usually cheaper than blotting papers, too.
    • Toilet seat covers. In a pinch, you can use a clean paper toilet seat cover as blotting paper. Cut it into smaller squares and blot away.
  2. Use disposable face cleansing pads. These are convenient when you're on the go and just have to wipe away the oil on your face. Since cleansing pads are wet and they contain soap, use this solution when you aren't wearing makeup - cleansing pads will take it right off. If possible, splash your face with cold water after using a pad to remove the trace amounts of soap.
  3. Swab on some toner. Use a cotton ball to smooth some toner over the oily areas of your face. Toner takes off the oil and tightens the skin, temporarily cleaning your face. You can buy a bottle of toner at the beauty supply store or drugstore, or make your own using the following recipe:
    • Put 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar in a jar.
    • Add 1 cup of filtered or distilled water.[1]
    • Shake the jar and use a cotton ball to apply this natural toner to your skin as often as you want.
  4. Splash water on your face. Splashing some cold water on your face will tighten up your pores and make your face feel fresher. Pat it dry with a soft towel when you're finished. This is a good quick solution no matter where you find yourself with an oily face.

Use the Oil Cleansing Method

  1. Make an oil cleanser. Washing off oil with oil may sound weird, but using oil as a cleanser is the best way to remove the oil that's already there. To make your own oil cleanser, mix these ingredients and store them in a jar:
    • 2 parts castor oil
    • 1 part extra virgin olive oil
    • A few drops of your favorite essential oil, like lavender or lemon
  2. Rub the cleanser into your facial skin. Saturate a cotton ball or pour some of the oil mixture directly onto your hand. Rub the oil gently into your skin in a circular motion, concentrating on the areas that are the oiliest.[2]
  3. Steam your facial skin. Wet a washcloth with hot water. Gently apply it to your face, letting it steam your skin for about a minute. Use it to wipe away the oil, and with it the dirt, makeup and dead skin cells that were clogging your pores.
  4. Experiment with other oils. Olive oil has the same pH as your skin's oil, so it's the perfect cleanser. However, all skin is unique, and some skin types respond well to different types of oil. Try the following options:
    • Coconut oil. Many people use this as both a moisturizer and a cleanser.
    • Tea tree oil. It's good to add a few drops of this if your skin is prone to acne, since it's a natural antibiotic.[2]
    • Flaxseed oil. This light oil is great for all skin types.

Keep Your Face From Getting Oily

  1. Wash your face less often. The oil our faces naturally produce is called sebum. It's a beneficial oil that protects our skin and keeps it flexible and healthy. Washing it away too frequently results in your pores producing more oil to make up for what was lost. This overproduction is what leads to the appearance of oily skin. To prevent this from happening:
    • Wash your face (with oil) just once a day. If you need to remove oil in between washings, use blotting paper instead of washing your face.
    • Moisturize your face after washing it. If your face gets too dry, your pores will produce oil to make up for it.
    • It may take a few days of using this new routine for your face to balance out.
  2. Remove your makeup every night. Wash your face every night before going to bed. It's important to remove makeup and the dust from the day before you go to sleep at night, so that your pores don't get clogged. There's no need to wash it again in the morning.
  3. Don't use drying products. Using soaps and facial cleansers in an attempt to get rid of your face's oil will cause your pores to produce extra to make up for it. Wean yourself off of your soap-based facial cleansers, especially those containing harsh cleaning agents like sodium laurel sulfate.
    • It's better to wash your face with plain water than to use a facial cleanser. Use the oil cleansing method when your face needs a deep cleansing.
    • If you're worried about acne, use tea tree oil and other natural methods instead of resorting to harsh cleansers, which tend to irritate acne more.
  4. Use makeup that won't cause your face to produce more oil. Choosing your makeup wisely is a big part of oil control. Caking on the makeup isn't going to solve the problem, so use it sparingly. Go for matte foundation and mineral powders to help absorb the oil and keep your face from looking shiny.
  5. Finished.


  • When applying any makeup, use clean brushes, cosmetic sponges, and always clean hands.

Sources and Citations