Remove Spiders from Your Home Safely

Spiders are beneficial critters, but are very misunderstood. Many people have been taught to fear spiders and kill them on sight. This is a bad habit because spiders are an important part of the ecosystem that keep insects under control. If you don't want spiders in the house, then you should catch them and put them outside.


  1. Go get yourself a slick drinking glass. Plastic doesn't work so well, so use a glass.
  2. Get a piece of paper.
  3. Put the glass ahead of the spider's path and put the paper behind it.
  4. Use the paper to herd the spider into the glass.
  5. As soon as the spider enters your glass, turn it upright. The spider should not be able to climb the slick walls, but just in case, put your piece of paper over the glass
  6. Take the spider in the glass outside, uncover the glass and invert it over some nice shrub or grass and watch while the spider slides right out.


  • Keeping your house neat and not having a lot of clutter on your floors will help discourage spiders from living in your house to begin with.
  • Be gentle and don't rush the spider when herding it into the glass. It's as freaked out as you are. Imagine what you look like to it!


  • If it looks like a poisonous spider, you may not want to try this method and go ahead and kill it. But, they serve their purpose in the world too, so think twice before squishing.

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