Remove a Red Wine Stain from a Hardwood Floor or Table

Removing red wine stains from wood can be very difficult. If the red wine spill only happened a few minutes ago, it's much easier to deal with than a spot that has set in for a day or two. If the stain is large, has set in for many hours, and is located in a very obvious place, consider talking with a wood care professional before cleaning it.


  1. Wipe up the red wine spill if it hasn't fully dried, using a wet paper towel or wet absorbent cloth. Blot up the wine rather than rubbing it in.
  2. If the wine has begun setting in to the wood, the first step is to try to clean the stained area with a strong bleach. Pour undiluted bleach on the area and let it soak for at least 45 minutes before wiping it up. Use latex gloves to wipe it up, as bleach can be caustic. (NOTE: The bleach may very well take off the existing surface coat, possibly requiring you to resurface the entire table. Test where you can't see it before applying bleach to the surface of a finished table.)
  3. Next, try oil soap. Mix oil soap and hot water, according to package directions, then dip a soft cloth into the mixture, and scrub the wood. Hopefully, the stain disappears.
  4. If the oil soap doesn't work, try a soda paste. Mix baking soda with enough mineral oil, lemon oil, or linseed oil to form a paste, and then lightly rub it over the stain with a soft cloth in the direction of the wood grain. Leave the paste on for 30 minutes, and remove it with a clean dry cloth.
  5. As a last resort, you can try using rottenstone. Make a paste from rottenstone, a very finely ground rock that woodworkers use as a polishing abrasive. You also can use pumice, although keep in mind that this is slightly more abrasive. Mix with mineral oil, lemon oil, or linseed oil, and lightly rub it onto the stain in the direction of the wood grain. Remove with a clean dry cloth.
  6. If the stain is still there, contact a wood care professional.


  • Be careful when you drink red wine, so you don't spill it next time.
  • After each step you try, rinse the area with a clean damp cloth or paper towel, then dry it with another clean dry cloth. Rub in some furniture polish or paste wax to bring back the shine.


  • Rottenstone and pumice can be highly abrasive. If you are worried about destroying your floor, seek professional advice.

Things You'll Need

  • Paper towel
  • Soft absorbent cloths
  • Water
  • Oil soap
  • Baking soda
  • Mineral oil
  • Lemon oil
  • Linseed oil
  • Rottenstone or pumice
  • Furniture polish or paste wax

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