Repair Scratches in Glass Tabletops

A glass tabletop can be beautiful in a living room or dining room. However, scratches can make it look older than its age. It is not difficult to repair those scratches if you know a few rules to follow.


Use a Variety of Products to Repair the Scratch

  1. Use a polishing cloth to rub clear whitening toothpaste onto thin scratches.
  2. Combine 2 cups (1/2 liter) of water with 1/2 ounce of ammonia. Soak a clean cloth in the solution and wipe the area in a circular motion.

Look for Professional Scratch Repair Kits for Bigger Scratches

  1. Visit your local furniture store to find a product they recommend. Talk to a service person and ask for a professional glass repair kit. Let them know if you have beveled glass and what thickness the glass is.
  2. Go to a home improvement store for scratch removal kits. Ask the service person for a glass scratch repair or removal kit.
  3. Connect the disk that comes with the kit to a drill. You will set your drill to the lowest setting.
  4. Run the disk over the area that is scratched until it disappears.


  • For deep scratches, you may have to take the glass to a repair shop.
  • Some professional glass kits come with a polish along with the disk. You will put the polish on the area and rub it before using the disk to the scratch.

Things You'll Need

  • Clear nail polish
  • Brass or metal cleaner
  • Clean cloths
  • Scratch repair kit

Sources and Citations