Replace Broken Glass on a Cell Phone

Ever had a cell phone that has broken glass but don't want to pay full retail to have it replaced? Here's how to replace the broken glass without having to get a new one.


  1. Use a toothpick to remove any pieces of broken glass.
  2. Use a dry cotton swab (the bigger end) to remove any accumulation of dust.
  3. Use a can of compressed air to remove any remaining pieces of glass and dust.
  4. Peel back the glass piece from the sticky paper.
  5. Stick the new glass piece onto the screen of the phone and press down on it to secure it.
  6. That's it! Happy calls!

Things You'll Need

  • New Glass Screen ($3 on eBay)
  • Cotton Swab ($3 for pack of 50-100)
  • Can of Compressed Air ($5-$7)
  • Toothpick ($3 for pack of 50-150)