Rinse Quinoa

Quinoa is a healthy grain that you can incorporate into a variety of different dishes. There is a coating on quinoa seeds that can give it a bitter and nutty taste. By using a fine mesh strainer or a bowl, you can avoid this bitter taste by thoroughly rinsing your quinoa first.


Using a Fine Mesh Strainer

  1. Hold your fine mesh strainer under your sink's faucet. If you use a colander or another strainer with larger holes, the quinoa will fall through the holes and into your sink.[1] You can also use a coffee filter if you don't have a strainer.[2]
  2. Add your quinoa to the strainer. Measure the amount of quinoa that you want to use and pour it into the strainer or coffee filter. Do this carefully to make sure the seeds don't overflow and go into your sink.
  3. Run cold water over the quinoa until the water runs clear. Turn on the cold water from your kitchen sink and let it rinse the quinoa for about five minutes. To quicken the process, you can agitate the quinoa with your hand. You'll know the quinoa is rinsed when the water coming out of the bottom of the strainer is no longer murky.[3]

Rinsing Quinoa in a Bowl

  1. Pour your quinoa into a bowl. Measure out the amount of quinoa that you want to use, then transfer it to a large bowl that can accommodate the seeds along with water.
  2. Soak the quinoa in cold water for five minutes. Fill the bowl with enough cold water to cover the seeds. As the seeds sit, you should see the water begin to turn cloudy or murky.[4]
  3. Mix the quinoa around. Use a whisk or a wooden spoon to mix the quinoa around in the bowl. This agitation should remove the bitter coating on the quinoa seeds. Work the whisk in a circular motion so that you mix both the water and the quinoa.[5]
  4. Pour out the water. Slowly tip your bowl while keeping your hands over the seeds to drain it. If you have a fine mesh sieve, you can use it to strain the quinoa seeds.[4]
  5. Repeat the steps until your quinoa is clean. You may have to repeat the process several times before the quinoa is fully rinsed. You'll know that it's rinsed when the water in the bowl is no longer murky.[5]

Things You'll Need

  • Fine mesh strainer or coffee filter
  • Water
  • Bowl

Sources and Citations

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