Roll a Cigarette With a Cigarette Roller
Rolled cigarettes are cheaper (Usually around $15-20 for a carton) and allegedly a bit healthier than standard cigarettes. However, they are still pretty complicated to make.
- Obtain a bag or can of tobacco. Bags are smaller, but cans are a better value. Also, bags and cans should come with papers, so you shouldn't have to buy any.
- Obtain a cigarette roller. Top brands make good loose tobacco and rollers (as well as papers).
- Study the roller for a second. The roller unhinges on one side, and this is important to notice. At all times during the rolling process, you need to keep the unhinged side facing towards you.
- Fill the roller with tobacco about to the top. Pack it in there loosely, but fill it up. The roller will do the rest of the packing work for you.
- Close the roller. Pick any big strings of loose tobacco off of the top of the roller, but feel free to leave the little pieces, or the pieces that are mostly inside of the closed roller alone.
- Pretend, momentarily, that your cigarette roller is a scroll. Looking at it from the side, opening the scroll would be if the roller on the left moved counterclockwise, and the roller on the right moved clockwise. Closing the scroll would be the vice versa.
- Roll the scroll open and closed gently, while leaving the roller closed. You should feel pressure on the roll, and you should also see the tobacco left on the top get slightly rolled into the space.
Now, with the hinged roller facing toward you, place your thumbs on the hinged roller, supporting the rest of the roller with your palms. Pull the roller towards you, downward. BE CAREFUL. If you are encountering a lot of pressure, you may have overfilled the roller. Open it and remove a bit of the tobacco off of the top of the tobacco that is inside the roller. If you can get the hinged roller to rotate once towards you. - Remove a paper from the pack. Check which side has the adhesive, and insert the opposite side into the closed roller, with the adhesive facing toward you (Remember to keep the hinged roller facing toward you). This part can be tricky. Begin to slowly roll the paper into the roller. It can be hard to get the paper to grab on the roller, so keep trying.
Once you get the paper almost all the way into the roller, lick the adhesive. Then, roll the paper into the roller. Give it a couple extra rotations for good luck. - Open the roller. If everything worked out as planned, you should be done, and should have a cigarette sitting in there nicely.
- Clean up your mess.
- Think of this as Step 3.5 - If you want to roll a filter cigarette, you can buy filters separately. Insert your filter into the roller (either end) and hold it in place with your finger while filling the roller with tobacco.
- Operate your roller over your can as much as possible, it makes cleaning much easier.
- To get the finished cigarette out of the roller without squishing it with your fingers, while the roller is open, roll the hinged roller towards you (scroll open). it should cause the cigarette to raise up.
- Remember to do the scroll opening and closing thing (described in detail in step 6
- While following step 7, if you pull down against high pressure too hard, you could pop the hinge open, causing the tobacco to shoot everywhere.
- Cigarettes are extremely hazardous and cause multiple health issues/concerns. You should try to quit if you haven't already.
Things You'll Need
- Loose tobacco (Midnight Special recommended)
- A Cigarette Roller (Top recommended)
- Papers