
Rollerblading, or inline skating, is a popular activity presumed to have started as an alternative to ice skating during warm weather. It's rather difficult at first but if you stick to it you will be good at it in no time. It is very rewarding cruising effortlessly down the street, keeping up with bikes even, but remember you must be confident and patient.


  1. Make sure the roller blades fit. They shouldn't wobble to the side, and the heels and toes shouldn't move when you go from side to side. Comfort is key! Someone at a general sporting goods store should be able to show you the proper fit. Children should definitely consider adjustable skates so they can grow along with them.
  2. Stand on carpet. Because you're standing on carpet the wheels won't roll. The purpose here is to get used to the added height and to readjust your center of balance. Although you might not need it, a chair is recommended anyway in case you need the added support or if you begin to fall.
  3. Practice leg and foot movement. You may be on carpet or grass, but you still need to get a feel for how to move your legs and feet. Take a few steps, then while standing still, move one foot forward while gradually increasing pressure on that foot until almost none on the other. Then, do the same with the other foot until you are able to "glide" back and forth the room a few times.
  4. Take your time. Don't hurry the process and don't feel as though you're moving too slow. It's important to feel confident and to have strong mental composure. Don't get frustrated if you keep falling! Relax, take deep breaths, and focus. If you think you can do it, you will!
  5. Move on to pavement when you feel comfortable. Concrete is ideal due to its irregular and rough surface. Your wheels will find friction within these grooves but at the same time will allow you to move more freely than carpet. Asphalt, however, is not recommended for beginners because its smoother surface will force your wheels to roll more easily and you may not be ready for that. If you do insist on asphalt, though, choose a garage or patio so you can have something to grab on to if you fall. Also, make sure you wear a helmet and knee-pads if you are beginning!
  6. Experiment with your foot strokes to see what is most efficient or fastest. Practice turning, balancing on one skate, and walking. It is easier to do things slowly at first, then gradually pick up the pace until you can move faster.
  7. Practice falling and getting up. If you have to fall it is always best to try to fall forwards, sliding on your knee pads and wrist guards. If you feel yourself falling backwards, grab your knees! This will pull you forward, so you will either stay upright, or just fall forward. Make sure your wrist guards impact at a sliding angle--not straight down, as this may cause a jarring impact which can injure your wrists. If you can help it, try not to fall backwards, as you can cause damage to your unprotected back and tailbone. If you have no choice, attempt to stop your fall with your elbow and wrist pads and the soft side of your bottom--between your tailbone and hip bone--to avoid harming your back and tailbone. Try to keep your head from hitting the ground, but since this is a likely occurrence, ensure you always wear a helmet.
  8. Learn to brake. Just like driving a car, riding a bike, or even running, anticipate where you want to stop. Move one foot forward and bend the knee slightly, applying pressure on your heel until you slowly come to a complete stop.
  9. Practice every day. Knowing the basics isn't enough! If, for example, your arms flail around every time you turn you probably didn't make the rest of your body turn with your feet. Putting in at least half an hour every day is a good idea.


  • If you feel like you're falling backwards, grab your knees! This will help you fall forward which is much less painful than falling backward.
  • Don't begin on an uneven surface. You tend to trip and fall much more frequently, and you get frustrated faster. Start with a smooth surface, like a new sidewalk.
  • If you feel like you're going fast enough, you can keep your feet straight and move them again when you start to slow down.
  • Wear safety gear. You should consider buying elbow pads, knee pads, wrist guards, and a helmet before you even think about putting those blades on. Safety first!
  • Skate with a friend who is a good skater. It's much easier when you're holding someone's hand.
  • Don't practice a lot at once; do it for a few minutes, then rest, and then start again so you won't get frustrated as easily.
  • Indoor roller rinks are a great place to roller blade once you have gotten the hang of it.
  • These tips can also be applied to ice skating, but if you can ice skate you might not have trouble with inline skating.
  • Start out by just sliding your feet on the surface, like a train.
  • Take rollerblading lessons if you still have trouble learning.
  • Classes are often a good way to get better quickly. Group learning can cut costs.
  • Get a long stick to help you balance as you rollerblade.
  • Wear helmets, knee pads, and arm pads to avoid injuries.
  • Get help from your family or friends if you think you are really unstable.
  • It is better to fall backwards on your bottom. If you fall forward, you're more likely to injure yourself.
  • Buy roller blades of the perfect size. Try grabbing on to things and blading at least you won't fall! Be confident, ask someone to hold your hand.
  • Have someone that is experienced go with you to make sure you're safe.


  • Be aware of your terrain. Rocks, gravel and sand are bad for your blades, and can easily cause you to fall down. It is virtually impossible to skate on unstable surfaces like these, so keep your eyes open and avoid them.
  • Standing in grass may not be as suitable as carpet for getting the hang of your center of balance. Dirt and grass may cake/tangle around the wheels.
  • Don't go into the street if you do not have good control; a car might run into you or you might run into a car.
  • Always wear safety gear. Even if you're a professional, one injury to your head can cause brain damage or even death.
  • Don't wear the same safety gear after a bad fall. Though your gear may look fine on the outside, the impact-absorbing foam on the inside might be crushed.

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