
Samba is a Brazilian dance, also called the "Brazilian waltz." It is a flirty and lively dance, known for sensual hip movements. Samba is danced to 2/4 time, and is a fun and fast-paced partnered ballroom dance.


Getting the Proper Form

  1. Assume the closed position with your partner. Closed position is when partners hold each other while facing each other. The leader, usually a man, places his right hand high on the back of the follower, often a woman. The leader holds the follower's right hand high in his left, at about the follower's eye level.[1] The follower places her left arm along the leader's arm, resting her hand on his shoulder. The leader's right hand is placed along the follower's shoulder blade. The follower's arm will rest on top of the leader's. Both partner's arms will be perpendicular to the floor.[2]
  2. Feel the rhythm. Sambas have a very specific rhythm. Count your steps this way: 1-ah-2, 2-ah-2, or 3-ah-4. You take three steps in two beats.
    • The second step, the ah step, is a quick step. Only part of your weight will be put into it. That makes the samba beat feel like bum-ba-bum.[3]
  3. Use the samba bounce. Your form will not stay stationary as you go through the steps. You will do the samba bounce as you perform the steps. As you step forwards and backwards, lift your feet like you are stepping over an object, like a log or pencil.[4] Keep your upper torso relatively straight and your knees soft. As you step on count 1, step with a bent knee like you are stepping over something. When your legs get back together, keep knees soft and slightly bent as you shift your weight.
    • This is a fluid motion. It's like a slight uplifting motion as you move back and forth. Your body should bounce slightly as you go through the steps.
  4. Look straight ahead. When dancing Latin ballroom, look straight ahead. The head should be stacked over your shoulders and hips.[5] Think about the saying, "The nose shoulder follow the toes."
    • Look over your partner's right shoulder. This helps give you something to focus on as you dance.[6]

Dancing the Samba Basic

  1. Step on count 1. When you step on each count, the leader and follower will be going through the same steps, but mirrored. When the leader goes forward, the follower will go backwards. When the leader uses the left foot, the follower uses the right foot.
    • If you are the leader, take a step forward with your left foot on count 1.
    • If you are the follower, take a step backwards with your right foot on count 1.[1]
    • Remember the samba bounce. Bend the knees and keep them soft while you go through the steps.
  2. Bring your other foot in for the ah-2 steps. This next step, on the ah, is a quick step. Step your other foot right beside the one you moved in the previous count. Shift your weight to your other foot, making sure not to put full pressure on this foot. Then, on the 2 count, shift your weight completely back to the first foot. This should be done quickly.[7]
    • Your feet might seem like they are doing a march step as you complete this ah-2 count.
    • Your weight will end up back on the foot you led with.
    • If you are the leader, you will be stepping your right foot forward beside your left, then shifting partial body weight to the right foot during the ah count.
    • If you are the follower, you will be stepping your left foot back beside your right, then shifting partial body weight to the left foot during the ah count.
    • Let your hips sway as you bounce right and left while keeping your upper body still.
    • This should put you back into your initial, neutral position.
  3. Reverse the steps. Complete the same sequence of steps to the same count, but this time reverse them. The leader will be going backwards and the follower will be going forwards.
    • If you are the leader, step backward on your right foot, bring your left foot back next to it. Shift your weight quickly to the left on the ah count then back to the right on the 2 count.
    • If you are the follower, step forward on your left foot, then bring your right foot forward next to it. Shift part of your weight to the right foot on the ah and then back to the left on the 2 count.
    • When you step with the left foot, make sure you step with the ball flat against the floor. When you change to the quick ah count, quickly press with the ball of the right foot. When you step again with the left foot, make sure to keep it ball-flat.[3]
  4. Add in a side step. After you have mastered the basic and reverse basic steps, you can add a basic side step to your routine. The basic side step is completed exactly like the basic and reverse basic, except instead of going forwards and backwards, you step right and left.[8]
    • Start in the same closed position. If you are the leader, step right on the 1 count; if you are the follower, step left. Bring the other foot in so it is beside the foot that led.
    • If you are the leader, you will bring your left foot in and shift partial weight onto it on the ah step. If you are the follower, you will bring in your right foot. Transfer you weight back onto your leading foot on the 2 count.
    • Step sideways the opposite way. If you are the leader, you will step left on the 1 count; if you are the follower, you will step right. Complete the same steps.
  5. Practice the steps. Turn on some salsa music and go through these steps until they become automatic.

Adding Advanced Moves

  1. Graduate to the progressive basic movement. The progressive basic movement is a combination of the natural basic movement and the basic side step. Start by going through one measure of the basic move, then after you complete that, go into a side step instead of another basic. This allows you to travel around the dance floor.[9]
  2. Learn the whisk. The whisk is a variation on the basic side step. Instead of bringing the other foot to meet your leading foot, you bring the other foot behind you.
    • If you are the leader, step to the right on the 1 count. Bring your left foot diagonally close behind your leading foot. On the ah count, transfer some weight back onto the foot diagonally behind your right foot, then the full weight back onto the right foot.
    • If you are the follower, step to the left on the 1 count. Bring your right foot diagonally closer behind your left foot. Shift a small amount of weight onto your right foot on the ah count, then shift back fully onto the left foot.[4]
    • When you change directions, you will be stepping with the diagonal, back foot. The step will be a bit wider than in the basic step.
    • Remember to keep light weight on the back foot. You are not just pointing the toe, but shifting weight from foot to foot. This step also is a type of march.
  3. Try the stationary samba walk. A stationary samba walk is completed in closed position with a two-hand hold, unlike the previous one-hand hold. The arms are extended. The leader has the left leg extended behind him, while the follower has the right leg extended behind her. The inside leg is the stabilizing leg. The partners don't travel anywhere, but remain in one area.
    • Bring the leg that is extended behind forwards to meet with the stabilizing foot on the 1 count. The leader will bring forward the left leg; the follower will bring forward the right leg. The arms will bend a bit as the two bodies draw closer together.
    • Step the opposite foot back, with the toe turned out on the ah count. Part of your weight should be in your back foot.
    • On the 2 count, slide your stabilizing, inside foot back about {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}}, placing all your weight back on the stabilizing foot.[10]
    • Step in and repeat the steps for the other side.
  4. Dance the samba walk. The samba walk is a travelling position done very similarly to the stationary samba walk, but in promenade position. Promenade position is very similar to closed position, except it's an open V position. The leader's left side and the follower's right side should be turned slightly open. The other side will be close together.[11] For this move, start with the outside leg diagonal behind your inside, stabilizing leg.
    • Step the back leg forward in front of the inside leg on the 1 count. On the ah count, step the inside leg back, with the toe turned out. You should shift part of your weight to this leg. If you are the leader, you will start by stepping forward with the left leg, then step the right leg back; if you are the follower, you will use the opposite legs.
    • For the 2 count, slide the front leg back about {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} and transfer all your weight to that leg.
    • Step forward with the back leg on the 1 count, then step backwards with the other leg on the ah count. Make sure the toe is turned out and you shift part of your weight on it. If you are the leader, you will start by stepping forward with your right leg; if you are the follower, you will start with the left.
    • Slide the front leg back about {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} on the 2 count, then transfer your weight to that leg. That completes the move for both legs.
    • You should be travelling a little across the dance floor as you complete this move.

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Sources and Citations

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