Save Money by Using a Used Motor Home Checklist

Purchasing a used motor home can often be terribly hectic. It can become extremely tricky when you're planning to live in the motor home for any period of time. For this reason, it is crucial to have a checklist to go over to see any issues you may face after buying a used RV Motor home. Sellers often don't tell you the problems they know of, as the old saying goes 'Buyers Beware'. So it is up to you to make certain you get the best deal


  1. Check the engine and oil. Engine and oil are the lifeblood for any vehicle. Checking the oil would be a good start to ensure the condition of the engine. If the oil smells burnt, you could have an issue on your hands.
  2. Check the rust condition. Rust is the natural breakdown of iron and metal. RVs traveling in those parts of the country having snow and salt will be more prone to rust. Buying used motor homes from the south can help this rust problem, but they will cost more. If there is structural rust on the frames, it's better to avoid those motor homes as they are at their end of life.
  3. Look at the service records. Service records will show the proper maintenance of the motor home maintained by the previous user. And if they fail to provide any paperwork, it’s advisable not to accept that used motor home.
  4. Make inquiries about motor home financing. Finance companies offer better options for certain RV builders, on certain models particularly those that have low depreciation. The purchase of a used motor home should be done without a thorough inspection of the finance options attached to that RV.