Say Happy Birthday in Hebrew

Saying happy birthday is a simple phrase that can mean a lot. If you are planning on attending a Bar and Bat Mitzvah, it's a nice gesture to wish them happy birthday in Hebrew. Here is how to say happy birthday in Hebrew.


  1. Know what to say. The proper Hebrew phrase which means Happy birthday is "yom hu'ledet sameach"
  2. Know how to pronounce it. The proper pronunciation of these words best described would be YOM= Yome rhyming it with the English word tome HU'LEDET= "WHO" "LEAD" (as in the metal) "ET" putting the emphasis on the Lead part.
  3. Try to approximate the sounds in SAMEACH. The word SAMEACH is the hard one cause it has that Jewish "ch" in it which does not exist in English. It is however similar to the "J" in Spanish and sounds like someone who is clearing their throat from phlegm.
    • "SAMEACH" is pronounced as "SA" as in the beginning of the words "sorry" "MAY" and then finally "ACH" with the a sounding like the "O" in the word on.


  • Not every Jewish person knows Hebrew. The "CH" problem can sometimes get confusing.

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