Say You Are Hot in Spanish

If you want to give someone a compliment in Spanish, telling them they're hot is certainly one way to go about it. This article will show you how!


  1. Say "tú eres caliente". Although the expression sounds like a literal translation of some very popular English set phrase.
    • Far more common risqué compliments related to this topic/situation are: estás muy buena = You look very hot
      • estás buenísina= you look very, very hot; estás muy sexy
    • If the young male feels very hot himself he might risk saying : "Estás para comerte/matarte a besos = You look so sexy that I'd eat/kill you with kisses. Pay great attention to choose estar otherwise you'll ruin your compliments : Tu eres muy buena= You are a very kind-hearted girl... which wasn't the meaning intended for the compliment. A pronuntiation guide might be: es-TASS mwi BWEH-na//es-TASS bwe-NEE-si-mah//es-TASS PAH-ra co-MERR-te/ma-TARR-te a BEH-sos ( all vowel sounds are short)( omit subject (tú) to sound more natural)
  2. Pronounce it correctly.
    • "tú" sounds more like "do" than "too"
    • "eres" sounds like "ettehs"
    • the "cal" in "calientie" is not pronounced like the "cal" in "california" --it's more like in the word "call" or, if you already know how to pronounce the Spanish word "casa" it's like the "a" sound in there.
  3. If they say "Gracias" (thank you) say "De nada" (you're welcome).
  4. Get close to the person you're so keen about, look her in the eye and add adequate body language while uttering these phrases and...look serious !

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