Say Mr. in French
When reading French in your head, the language can seem very difficult to form your mouth around. But don't worry, if you break the words down into sections, and make sure you practice a lot, you'll be speaking French in no time. Here are instructions on how to say "Mister".
- Mr. (Mister) is a fairly simple word to say. When it is read, it is spelled Monsieur. If done in simple sections, the word is extremely simple to say.
- The first half of the word (mons-) is pronounced 'moan' just like the English word.
- Now that you've got the first half down, let's go for the second half. The last half of the word (-sieur) looks like the most difficult to say, but isn't. It's basically like saying "see her" very fast, and without defining which word is which.
- "See her" turns to "seeher" which turns to "see-yer" which is turned to "seer."
- Remember, the final version ("seer") isn't pronounced 'see-er,' but more along the lines of "sear."
- Put the two halves together. Miss-sear -> Monsieur. Practice say it a few times.
- Practice saying the word when reading the broken down way of saying it. When you become more comfortable, begin to connect the actual spelling of it to the right pronunciation.
- Practice makes perfect! Au revoir, messieurs et mesdames! Et bonne chance.
- When you are comfortable saying the word, you can begin to add a bit of a French accent to it. The French have a tendency to talk very quickly, so their words often slur into each other. If a French speaking person were to say "Hello, Mr. Ruth" (Bonjour, Mr. Ruth), they would say something alone the lines of, "Bohn-jowr, Missyeuh Ruhth".
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