Say Stop in French

There are a few ways to say "stop" in French, depending on what you mean.


  1. Learn the verb for "to stop". It is arrêter (ah-reh-tay). It is conjugated as follows:
    • j'arrête - I stop
    • tu arrêtes - you (singular familiar) stop
    • il arrête - he stops
    • nous arrêtons - we stop
    • vous arrêtez - you (plural and/or unfamiliar) stop
    • ils arrêtent - they stop.
  2. If you want to know the word for stop on a stop sign, it is:
    • Arrête
    • Stop (sometimes anglicized in both Europe and Quebec).
  3. To ask some to stop doing something, try the following:
    • "Ne faites pas ça" or "arrête ça" – literally, "don't do that", or stop that!
    • Ça suffit ! – that's enough!
    • Arrête ! (Note that if writing it, the punctuation point involves a gap, which is French punctuation.)
    • "Stop!" - said with a French intonation.
  4. If talking about calling a stop to something, then use the word "halte".
    • For example: "It is time to call a stop to this conversation. " and "il est temps de dire halte à cette conversation ".
    • "Halte" also describes a stopping place.
  5. If you want to say stop when interrupting, use the word "interrompre".
  6. For asking someone to stop adding more, such as when saying "enough", use the word "assez" or "suffisamment".
  7. If you're wanting to stop a thief by saying "Stop thief", there is a special term in French. It is "Au voleur !".


  • Practice the words in various sentences to understand how to use them in different contexts.
  • To ask someone to "stop talking", say "taisez-vous".
  • For a transport service that travels "non-stop", use the word "direct".

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