Sculpt Limestone in Your Own Home

An easy way to make limestone sculptures without the need of fancy tools.


  1. Get some CaCO3 (limestone).
  2. Cook the CaCO3 (limestone) at high temperatures until it turns into a crumbly powder.
  3. Take the CaO (the crumbly powder) and thoroughly mix with a small amount of water until paste.
  4. Sculpt the CaH2O2 (the paste) into the desired shape of your limestone and dry. The use of a heat lamp might also be of some benefit if used correctly.


  • Don't be alarmed if your limestone doesn't look right; normal limestone is formed under intense heat and pressure, yours wasn't.
  • CaCO3 (limestone) ---> CaO (powder) + H2O (water) ---> CaH2O2 (paste) ---> CaCO3 (limestone)


  • Don't use oil.
  • Danger! The CaH2O2 (paste) is a strong base. Very corrosive!
  • This powdery and paste substances can burn skin slowly. The more moisture involved, the greater the burn.

Things You'll Need

  • limestone
  • rubber gloves (for handling the CaH2O2 (paste)
  • goggles

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