Sell Original Artwork for Profit
If you have some great original artwork which you are interested in selling, follow these simple steps.
- Try asking a local art store to sell your art and offer some of the profit to them. If you become popular, maybe you could start your own little store or sell from your house.
- Approach galleries and dealers, who will advocate and promote your art while you make it. Send submissions and meet with the galleries you feel are your best fit.
- Work with an online gallery.
- If you post artwork online and are well known in that art community, advertise on there!
- Go to local bars and some local restaurants that have art up by local artists; they're always happy for new fresh artists.
- Get an account on Myspace and on Muse Refuge and similar sites. Even though there are tons of people on each of those sites, artists become well known quickly. Be sure to post your art up.
- Set up a table with your pieces at a local flea market.
- Community churches, schools and fire departments hold art fairs usually once a year. You will have to pay for a table to set up shop, but it will be very profitable to your community image.
- Send your name and slide images of your artwork to as many slide registries as possible.
- Applying for grants and fellowships. This a good way to make money without selling the original art pieces.
- Your portfolio is the first impression that people have of you and your work. If the images are not high-quality and/or the portfolio is not in pristine condition, then it reflects badly upon you.
- Make sure that your pieces are ready for showing and sale.
- Local art shows are a good way to expose people to your art.
- When presenting your art, have a disc or a portfolio of samples of your work; never go empty handed.
- Don't limit yourself to local galleries; search far and wide for the best fit
- Make business cards with a little piece of your artwork on it.
- Persistence pays off. You may want to approach the same dealer several times over a few years
- When you are selling art be careful because sometimes somebody will try to steal your art.
- Spend some the money to have quality shots taken of your pieces.
- Don't waste time building a mailing list. Buy one from a reputable vendor like Mailing Aide[1]
- Sell on eBay. You can usually make money on there!
- Try giving your work out as promotional aspects.
- Always place a signature on your artwork!
- Never underprice, if you do, you will be going into loops of under-pricing that never stop.
- Never post someones picture on the Internet without their permission. Additionally, don't post artwork you intend to sell on the Internet; it's too easy for thieves to copy it. The only exception is if the art is a commission, in which case wait to post it until after you have been paid for it. In either case, it might be safer to deface the online version in some way, just in case.
- Remember that any time you make income in the USA, Uncle Sam expects you to pay income tax. Look up the laws in your area for selling work and how to report your earnings. Remember if you make more than $600 and you don't report it, you could be charged with tax evasion. Be prepared to deal with a new world of taxes.
- Never put the price up front before getting some hint that the customer is interested, otherwise it could be considered arrogant.
Things You'll Need
- A portfolio of your work
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