Set up a Hostel

Hostels are inexpensive hotels or inns that generally cater to budget travelers. Often located in major cities or around tourist sites, they feature basic accommodations and cheap rates. As a site for people from around the world to gather and save money, a backpacking hostel tends to feature less in the way of formal hospitality and more with regards to organized activities and building a communal spirit. This guide will teach you how to set up a hostel, with tips for good hostel management.


  1. Choose a location for your hostel.
    • You should open a hostel in a place with a high volume of budget travelers passing through. Make sure it is easily accessible--travelers may not know their way around the area--and able to compete with others, if any, hostels in the region.
    • Consider the cost of purchasing a building, paying for permits, buying beds, linens, and kitchenware, and any marketing expenses.
  2. Establish an initial investment for your hostel that will allow you to operate for at least a year.
  3. Consult municipal authorities for any permits needed to operate a hostel (as well as a bar, if your hostel will have one). Purchase the permits.
  4. Divide your hostel into areas: lodging, dining, kitchen, bathroom, reception, common area, bar, etc.
  5. Equip your lodging areas with beds and linens.
    • Most hostels feature a mixture of dorm rooms--5-20 beds (often bunk beds), sometimes separated by gender--and private rooms with 1-4 beds.
  6. Equip your dining area and common area (and bar, if applicable) with tables, chairs, couches, and other items. Use durable furniture that is easy to replace.
  7. Set up your kitchen. If you will be feeding guests, make sure you have the industrial - size equipment.
  8. Equip your reception area with a computer for bookings, literature about tourist attractions in the area, a first aid kit, and publicity material.
  9. Set aside security lockers, safes, or a locked closet for travelers to keep their items safe.
  10. Hire staff.
    • It is best to hire a combination of locals and foreigners. If you are running a simple hostel, hire workers that can do everything. If your business is larger or more complicated, divide your staff between hostel management, reception, security, cleaning, cooking, etc.
  11. Register your hostel with international hostel organizations and booking websites. Publicize your hostel at tourist sites around the area.
  12. Begin accepting guests just before the busiest season of the year. It is best to open a hostel while traffic is still slow so as to fix any lingering problems, then quickly recoup costs as the amount of travelers increase.


  • To get a feel for hotel management, work in another hostel (ideally in a different city) for a few months before opening your own. Also, spend time traveling in several different countries to gauge what works and what doesn't in a backpacking hostel.
  • To avoid getting caught up in bureaucracy or opening a hostel from scratch you may also consider buying a licensed hostel.


  • Do not spend more than half of your initial investment before hiring staff. Because a backpacking hostel tends to suffer significant wear and tear, you will need extra cash on hand to fix problems even as you begin to bring in revenue.

Things You'll Need

  • Hostel location
  • Zoning permits
  • Initial investment
  • Hostel staff

Sources and Citations