Shallow Fry Battered Fish

There are two different ways to fry fish. There is the deep fry method, where the fish actually sits inside a deep fryer, in hot oil, frying. The usually fry shrimp this way. Another method is adding a bit of oil in a frying pan, and allowing the fish to fry until crusted and done, and immediately removing it to the plate, or to paper towel to get rid of excessive oil. Serve with fries, tarter sauce and enjoy.


  • 2 tbsp butter or margarine (margarine tends to be better for you)
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 cup flour
  • 2 cups bread crumbs
  • 1/2 juiced lemon
  • 1/2 cup lite milk
  • 1tbsp beer (optional)
  • salt
  • pepper
  • parsley
  • thyme
  • 4 pieces of fish, skinned (swordfish and Barramundi work well)
  • extra margarine or butter


  1. Melt butter (or margarine)in a microwave.
  2. Mix batter ingredients thoroughly. If runny, add a bit more breadcrumbs. If too thick, add a bit of light olive oil (this also will keep the fish moist).
  3. Place fish in the other bowl and spoon batter over.
  4. Cover fish with the other bowl and refrigerate. During this time you can make a salad or some chips to accompany fish.
  5. Use the extra butter or margarine to grease your pan or skillet, on a low heat. Cook fish until the batter has turned golden brown.
  6. Serve with chips or salad.


  • Margarine is not as healthy for any purpose as oil. For cooking in high heat --such as in frying fish-- use a small quantity of a saturated oil, such as Coconut oil, if the oil will not soak into the food, or a mono unsaturated oil such as Olive oil. At one time it was believed that coconut oil was unhealthy to consume, but lately it has been considered relatively harmless to eat small quantities of saturated oils when used in frying.
  • Fish doesn't take very long to cook, so if you're worried about timing, do the side dish long before hand. Just cover the salad with glad wrap, or keep the chips warm in the oven.


  • A lot of fish from the deli may still contain bones. Just be careful.

Things You'll Need

  • utensils
  • fry pan or skillet
  • board to cut fish on
  • reasonably sharp knife
  • 2 bowls
  • whisk

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