Shape and Decorate Bread Before Baking

Part of the craftsmanship in making bread is the attractive shapes and styles of a wide array of breads, from large loaves, small buns and everything in between.This tutorial goes through a range of doughs to be able to make most bread shapes.


Or make your own using this recipe:

  • 650g Bread flour
  • 350mls of lukewarm water
  • 1 sachet of yeast or 1 tablespoon of fresh yeast
  • Pinch of sugar
  • 1 teaspoon of salt


  1. Prepare your bread dough. If you are making the dough from scratch follow this basic method: Mix the sugar, water and yeast together and allow to sit for 5 minutes for the yeast to activate. If it doesn't, the yeast may be too old so a fresh sachet should be added to fresh water and sugar. Once the yeast is active, mix with the flour and salt and knead heavily (no need to be gentle) for 5–10 minutes, or until the dough is smooth and when the dough is pulled, it is smooth and elastic.
    • Allow to prove at least one hour in a warm place. Once doubled or tripled in size, deflate the dough; punching or flattening it and then kneading again for a few more minutes to distribute the yeast.
    • If using a mixing machine, follow the same method. A food processor work fine, but ideally mix the dough by hand and then process in batches so as not to overfill and overload the processor.
    • If the dough is too wet, add a little more flour. Flour absorbency varies according to variety and time of year.
  2. Shape bread according to the following methods and bake accordingly. For best results, use a pizza stone or line your oven tray with unglazed thick terracotta tiles, preheating the oven to around 220C / 435F before baking.
    • Keep a close eye on the bread while it bakes as all ovens vary. If it browns too quickly, turn it down, but ideally you want a nice russet brown crust for good flavour.

Making Baguettes

  1. Divide the dough into two halves. Press the dough with the heel of your palm into a rectangle roughly 20-25cm or 8-10 inches long. Fold this dough in half (width-wise) and press to seal. Fold again in half to make a long loaf. Find the seam and pinch it shut if it seems open.
  2. Roll out the dough. Using your palms, start at the middle and roll the dough outwards. The bread should end up a little fatter in the middle and thinner at the ends. The seams should be well sealed, otherwise pinch them shut again.
    • The loaf should be about 40-50cm or so long, ideally longer if your oven may permit its size. In practice, do not roll out a loaf bigger than you can bake.
  3. Proof the dough until doubled in size. Use a floured linen or cotton tea towel, or use a baguette mould. If using a cloth, place the loaf seam side up (so the good side is face down) and pleat the cloth to support the bread and leave in a warm place. Repeat with the other half of the dough if desired or make other shapes.
    • To apply sesame seeds, poppy seeds or other grains (which are not traditional on French style Baguettes, mist the top of the dough with a spray bottle of water and roll the baguette gently into a tray that has the seeds spread into it before you place it on the cloth or baking tray. This gives a more even coating than sprinkling by hand.
  4. Bake the Bread. When it has proofed and ready to bake, gently turn the bread over (so it is now good side up) and use a sharp razor blade to slash the bread very gently on a regular diagonal pattern 4–5 times.
    • Kitchen knives are typically too blunt to do this well. Cut only a millimetre or so into the bread.
  5. Transfer the loaf into the oven (you may slide it onto a flour lined tray or baking peel) and splash a little water in the oven bottom to generate steam. Close the door quickly and bake 20-25 minutes, turn off the oven but leave them in for another 10-15 to further form their crust.
    • You may also use this method to make a long very thin loaf, which you may then cut up (or divide the dough up into smaller loaves) to make thin bread sticks like the Italian grissini loaves.
    • You may also divide the 1kg dough into 10 portions and follow the same method to make hot dog rolls, or from hot dog rolls, press the two ends together to make a loop like a bagel.

Making Batards

  1. Gather the dough and split in half. Follow the same method as Baguettes up to when the rectangle is rolled out and folded in half, once.
  2. Make the loaf. Turn the cylinder of dough over and pinch the seam and gently roll with your hands from the middle out to make a shorter and fatter loaf. To make a Vienna loaf shape, the bread should be noticeably fatter in the middle and this is done using very light pressure applied to the ends of a round loaf so it makes an oval shape.
  3. Proof the bread. Leave the bread seam side up for undecorated breads for at least an hour, or until doubled in size. Slash or carve an attractive pattern into the bread with a razor and bake.
  4. Bake for 40–45 minutes. Follow the same method as baguettes, splashing a little water into the oven to generate steam. When cooked, the bread should be lightweight and sound hollow when tapped at the base. Leave in the switched off oven to further crisp if desired.

Making Round Loaves

  1. Gather the dough. Split in half to make 2 loaves or make 1 large loaf. Press the dough ball flat on the table in a round shape and form into a nice circle using one of the two methods:
    • For Beginners, its easier to start folding the edges of the dough and pressing them into them middle, turning and pleating the dough as you go. Once all the edges are pressed in, you typically will have a nice round loaf. Grip the centre seams and pinch them, then roll or rock the ball around the bench top to round the loaf's edges. The pinched side will end up the bottom of the loaf, so the good side is face down in this method.
    • For more practiced bakers, gather the dough and place your hand to the side of the dough, palm facing the dough. Press the side of the ball with the edge of your hand and press down, pushing it forward. The dough should rotate as you do this. With this method it stretches the dough after several repetitions into a nice round shape, with the good side up.
  2. Proof until doubled in size. With this bread, you may do a wide range of decorations with a razor, such as a spiral from the outside into the centre, diagonal slashes, diagonal slashes coming inwards like a vortex, a cross, a chequerboard, or a flower shape - such as on Make Galette Des Rois - or anything you desire.
  3. Bake for 35–40 minutes. Tap the base of the load and it should sound hollow when cooked. If the dough feels heavy, leave it in the cooling oven for another 10-15 minutes.

Making a Braid or Plait Loaf

  1. Gather the dough. Split in half to make 2 loaves or make 1 large loaf. From this stage, cut each portion into 3 pieces. It's best to use a scale and calculator for best accuracy to ensure each portion is equal.
    • You may also divide it into 4 for an even more attractive plait, but it's better with the big 1kg loaf to be made into a 4-plait.
  2. Roll each third into even Baguettes. Gather the three together and pinch at one end, if desired you may tuck this seam underneath the finished plait.
  3. Make a plait with the bread. This is just like plaiting hair, otherwise you may look at the three portions as a simple pattern, folding one strand over another: ABC, BAC, BCA, CBA, CAB and so on until you run out of dough.
    • You may mist with water and dip in seeds if you wish, or use an egg wash for an attractive finish.
  4. Proof until doubled in size. Ideally on a floured cloth or the baking tray. Bake 30-35 minutes for the smaller 500g loaves.
    • You may also plait small rolls for an attractive finish, or even more attractive is to fold the plait in on itself to make a loop. Flatten the roll slightly and allow to proof.

Making Round Rolls

  1. Prepare the portions. Divide the 1kg dough into 10 balls for large rolls, or 13-15 balls for dinner rolls. Ideally use a scale and calculator to divide the dough weight to get even sizes.
  2. Make the rolls. Press the dough ball flat on the table in a round shape and form into a nice circle using one of the two methods:
    • Like the round loaf above, press the dough portions flat and pinch or press the edges into the middle. Once completed, pinch the centre and rock or rotate the ball on the benchtop to make a nice round finish. The roll is turned over so the more untidy pinched part will be the bottom of the roll.
    • For more practiced bakers, press the dough flat with the palm of your hand and rapidly roll the ball around with some pressure. What should be happening is the outsides of the dough will be pulled inwards and around in your palm and as you keep rolling in a tight circle, it will make a nice shape. Lighten the pressure as you go, but with this method it is a practice to develop - if the dough is to soft it doesn't always work, too tight and the dough ends up tough and needs longer to proof.
  3. Decorate as desired. You may dip in seeds or grains as per the Baguette method and / or slash them as per the round loaf. You may also snip the edges vertically with scissors around the edges for a more crusty roll, which will look similar to an artichoke flower if you snip all the way around. Place them directly on the baking tray to proof, or on a floured cloth from which you can later transfer to a hot stone. Proof until doubled in size. Also splash the oven with water if you desire a crisp crust.
  4. Bake for 10-15 minutes. The rolls should be golden and hollow when tapped.

Making Knot Rolls

  1. Prepare the portions. Divide the 1kg dough into 10 balls for large rolls, or 13-15 balls for dinner rolls.
  2. Roll each ball into little baguettes about 15cm / 6 inches long. Pick up one end in your thumb and fingers and wrap the other end around your fingers, going away from you. The dough end should now be tucked underneath the loop to form a simple knot. This is similar to tying a knot in a balloon.
    • You may also roll the dough thinner, and tie a double knot, reef knot or any other form such as a pretzel which is also attractive.
    • Another variation is to pick up the dough "sausage" in the middle and then twist the two halves around each other like you would make string or twine, then tuck the exposed ends underneath to make a round knot shape.
  3. Decorate as desired. You may dip in seeds or grains as per the Baguette method. Place them directly on the baking tray to proof, or on a floured cloth from which you can later transfer to a hot stone. Proof until doubled in size. Also splash the oven with water if you desire a crisp crust.
  4. Bake for 10-15 minutes. The rolls should be golden and hollow when tapped.

Using a Benetton

  1. Gather your dough and divide as desired into 1 or 2 loaves.
    • A Benetton is a basket usually made of willow cane, but can also be of other woven canes and can be round or long. They are sometimes, but not always, lined with a cloth so the Benetton must be well floured before use to prevent sticking. The basket should be at least twice the size of the dough you put in, preferably 2.5 times.
    • Benetton s can be sourced from artisan or professional bakery stores, but its usually easiest to buy them online. You can use unvarnished and unpainted wicker baskets that are sourced from thrift or craft stores as long as they have minimal gaps between the canes. Scrub them clean before use and dry them. Then flour them before use.
  2. Shape the dough. Ideally a batard style is easiest, but mould the dough according to the shape. Place the bread seam side up (so the good side is down).
  3. Proof until doubled in size. Invert the Benetton & bread onto the hot stone or baking tray, and lift the bane ton off vertically. The "good side" should be up. Further decoration is usually unnecessary as the wicker cane and flour leaves a pattern in the dough, but you may add some slashes with a razor to add extra details.
  4. Bake for 35-40 minutes, or until cooked.

Making Croissant Shaped Rolls

  1. Roll the dough out into a large sheet. It should ideally be at least 20cm / 8 inches wide and 1 cm thick and however long the dough is. You may do this in half batches.
  2. Cut the edges to ensure the rectangle is neat. Cut the dough into triangle strips at least 10 cm, or 4 inches wide, making pizza like slices.
  3. Form the rolls. Roll the slices from the wide end to the narrow and bend gently into a crescent.
  4. Bake for 10-15 minutes. The rolls should be golden and hollow when tapped.

Tricks with Stencils

  1. Prepare your loaf or rolls from the above methods. Stencils can be very easy to make from ordinary household objects to personalise your loaf. Mist the dough with water and then the stencil can be applied or held above the bread. Flour or other toppings (such as seeds, spices etc) may be sifted or sprinkled through it to leave a pattern or a silhouette. For example:
    • A baking rack has slots and bars, where cake cooling racks can be diamonds, squares or a spiral. When the rack just gently touches the bread and flour is sifted over, it will leave the pattern in flour on the bread when the stencil is removed.
    • You may also cut one out of baking paper to make a letter or shape.
    • You may use cutlery like a wooden spoon to leave a silhouette, or even your hand.
  2. Apply your stencil after the bread has proofed. If you add it before, it may end up warped or at best unexpected patterns will arise.
  3. Bake the bread as per your recipe.


  • Ensure the oven is preheated at least 5 minutes before you need it. Using a pizza stone can also aid heat transfer to the tray or tin the loaf is sitting on, or you can put the loaf directly on the hot stone. A lot of bread fails in a cold start oven.

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